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Everything posted by ThomasHughes

  1. Camp format is 3 on 1 there will be 2 coaches (Pete Allum and Thomas Hughes) the coaches will only have 1 group each to maximize learning. Tunnel camp being held at Paraclete XP and will include 2 hours of time each on the 11-12th and then continues in Skydive Deland on the 13-14 with an additional 16 jumps being made. All coaching, tunnel time, jumps, video and video slots are included. For more information please contact Thomas Hughes [] +1 (386) 748-4903
  2. Thanks I did not know about the additional area.
  3. Tunnel camp in Orlando has slots available. Coaches are Pete Allum and Thomas Hughes. The camp is designed for people looking to join a team for the season, individuals wanting to improve their basic skills, or teams looking to improve skills. For more info please contact
  4. [That's not the point -- use the solo jumps to practice radical edge of control motions, just to get the feel of them, and what is too much. Use relative jumpers to determine slidage. quote] Why teach bad muscle memory from the begining? Do it right the first time! Get a coach (a good one) or go to the tunnel
  5. here is the link:
  6. Ok the first Video has just been uploaded at, Should be showing soon. Enjoy. More to come.... Thomas.
  7. Ok to answer a few questions: We are competing in Intermediate and will be a guest team due to 2 of the members competing at Gap in 2003 for another country. We would like to have the video on the bottom by the time we get to Nationals but right now it is hard for the video as we move around quite a lot. So right now they are on top. We started with just one exit, a mix between a 4 way train and a diamond, but are now evolving to launching pretty much all the exits. We are using the booties the same way that we use them on our belly's cupping and deflecting air. we dont have any extra straps to keep them on as they all fit very well. We all use different manufacturers for suits due to sponsorships outside of Black Magick. Hope this answers a few questions. There will be video within the next few days on I will try to post when it is up. Thomas
  8. There is a new project coming out of Skydive Deland, Black Magick. Team Members are; Joey Jones (former Deland Majik), Thomas Hughes (British National Team, Arizona Blade), Juliana Se (Former Brazilian National Team-freefly, Participant of FS World record 300 & 357 way), and Joao Tambor (Former Brazilian National Champion-freefly and the driving force behind the development of Skydive University's back fly DVD) The skills acquired through our training and coaching at SkyVenture have been paramount in the creation of this team. People have been flying on their backs for years, and finally after seven years of training has a back flying formation skydiving team emerged. We have 31 jumps and about 3 hours of wind tunnel time and are completing 3 points (randoms only) in time. We are using regular competition Bootie suits and may decide to add a gripper on the bottom of the calf for easier cat grips. Sunpath has provided us with tunnel rigs (no canopies). As Far as freefall is concerned, besides paying more attention to how my pilot chute is packed, I am not modifying my rig at all. We have another 100+ jumps and 10 hours of tunnel planned. And have no idea of what is possible. At this point the thought of attempting block 22 is barely imaginable. Irrespective of how we are doing we will be competing at the June 18th FSL and the USPA Nationals. Check NSL News for upcoming video and we will do our best to answer any questions.
  9. Quote Rage in 2000 Nats did a 15.3 avg in intermediate with 100 jumps together exits were all fine for the last 75 jumps together. some of the people onthe team had less than 500 jumps, one had less than 200 how would you explain that. besides lots of time in the tunnel? Which they all had. Exits and entrys to the tunnel are all relevant just on a different angle.
  10. Send me an email at and I will explain how to get a job thereQuote
  11. I put about 100 jumps on an early revision of the Katana and it is well worth the wait.
  12. wow That is all I can say to that. We will have to ask Wendy if she has done better today.
  13. I have seen Wendy go 576' on 5 foot gates and also 776' on 20 foot gates. Beat that. Go wendy P.s she stood them both up.
  14. I've asked for this before and nobody has ever come through for me. Could you PLEASE point me, email me, whatever -- some video of people launching formations in a tunnel. I simply can not picture how this can be done and I'd be -very- interested in seeing some actual data. Like taking some ab inito tunnel rats, teaching Maybe it's fun and saves time going from standing to BTE, but it's not an exit. I think even ThomasHuges in this thread pretty much admitted that. A simulator is a simulator, BUT... you can get very effective things from simulators. But you need to know what you are doing and why you are doing it, and what you are trying to acheive from doing it. If you know all this then you can make the "simulator" a lot more beneficial and learn a lot more from it. If you are in the Deland area let me know. I will explain and show you some video. Remember just like a flight simulator it is not the real thing, but like a flight somulator you can make it so close that the transition is very small and easy
  15. What difference is it to exit a plane and present to the relative wind exactly how you want to, and exit the tunnel chamber and place your self on the relative wind exactly as you want to? Same concept, different angles. Also it is very possible to track in the tunnel and practice fall rates faster than the tunnel can go. It is even possible to experience the mushyness hill work gives you. It Just takes some creativeness and someone that can guide you well. Im not saying that we should stop skydiving for good, but if we want this sport to improve then we have to improve. This is a great opportunity. Try it.
  16. Misho I coached there for 2 days and I really like the facility. If you are going there to do serious 4 way it is better, BUT a lot more $$ so it really depends what you want to do with the time. Shoot me a email if you want.
  17. Anybody have any testiminoials about their camps?
  18. Carefull George!!! you are a father now! Thomas XL
  19. XL are hosting skills camps over Nov and Dec here are the dates Nov 9-10: Tunnel camp (SkyVenture Orlando) Nov 12-16: 3 on 1, 4-way skills camp Dec 14-15: Tunnel camp (skyventure Orlando) Dec 17-22: 2 on 2, 4-way skills camp For more info contact
  20. I would reccomend a tunnel camp, you both can come, 1 doing belly flying and the other doing freeflying in the same session If you are interested I host tunnel camps. If you would like info contact me.