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    Skydive Airtight
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  1. wow, some interesting results. had no idea this many DZ's did throwout (ehem...throwaway:) for AFF. anyone have a horse-shoe/bridle hang-up story from students with throwouts?
  2. i just read another thread implying that one jumpers DZ puts new AFF students on BOC rather than ripcord. At my DZ aff students use ripcord throughout their student status, then gets trained on throwout after they graduate. When did your DZ transition you?
  3. thats cool. im in ada, ok.(about 90 miles south of OKC) and i ride a buell x1 lightning fairly well.
  4. you damn right. them boys at SDA take care of business :) btw, what kind of bike do you race?
  5. bush 43 needs to make a jump. id love to hear the jump pilot id as "air force one, jumpers away." is there a freefall vid of the jump to be posted?
  6. sat on the ground more than a few times for AFF. took my FJC/L1 jump in early oct. and didn't get to try L2 until early april. time well spent tho. hanging out at the dz as a student teaches you just as much as your classroom instruction. imho. zealous instructors and a friendly dz make all the difference in the world when grounded.
  7. a match grade 10/22, stainless mini-14, AR-15, 30-30, 20 gauge pump, 12 gauge pump (love quail), beretta 9mm, and a super blackhawk .44 mag, but im trying to buy myself a .50 BMG for xmas :) nothing like owning a completely useless 2 mile gun.
  8. on the subject (sorta), for people who have completed AFF, how many (if any) levels did you have to repeat? what tends to be the average number of failed/repeated levels for AFF progression?
  9. hey jeff, looks like you are only a stones-throw from me (Ada). im also new to the sport, ill be doing AFF II/III next weekend(ish) at airtight in skiatook. how do you like cushing? you can throw me on your YIM list if you like. chrisv451. late.
  10. hi all. I did my level 1 AFF jump this sunday and...HELL YEAH! Im definately going back to the same DZ for my level 2/3, but its a 3+ hour drive and im trying not to get too caught-up in the sport too fast. Is there any specific concern with waiting 3'ish weeks between AFF levels? Is there anything I should be doing to counter this (other than going back sooner)? Thanx.