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  1. Any chance of having a Revolution on the Road???? Perhaps MILE HIGH SKYDIVING?!?!?!? hahahahhaa One in Texas......One in the Rocky Mountains?? (sure is pretty looking at mountains in freefall) At least consider coming for some load organizing, show these rocky mountain people how they do it DAAWNN IN TEEEXXAASS????? haha WE NEED RAT INFESTATION!!!!!! miss all you guys!
  2. WE got your BACK!!! See ya SATURDAY! We will miss ya FRI......We know you will be there in spirit though... All kinds of groovy Mojo this weekend, so we'll get SICK on Saturday..... see ya then.
  3. IS IT FRIDAY YET?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? cool, almost 12 hours to go!!!! Yyyeeeee - HHAAAAWWWW!
  4. Alright ........... Happy Thanksgiving everyone..... See ya on FRIDAY.........FREAK! high speed.......low drag.
  5. Where are your hands?!?!?!?!? ...between two pillows. THOSE AREN'T PILLOWS?!?!!?!? .....thats NOT MY HAND!!!!!!!
  6. GATHERING TIME............ With all the variables equated in..... Stuffing your face Thursday, Tryptophan kicking in......Drinking Wine & Brew all day......watching football..... Sleeping like a LOG that night.... we have a meeting time established........ 11AM Friday - Skydive San Marcos
  7. Lets try to get that suit VERTICAL & UPSIDE DOWN!!!! YYEEEAAAA! haha
  8. Nov.28th FREAKY FRIDAY!!!! Skydive San Marcos,TX. Come enjoy the new OTTER, 11 minutes to altitude!! We will be jumping ALL WEEKEND, and kicking it off with a little FREEFLY Gathering we like to call..... FREAKY FRIDAY! All Freaks, All Levels... Freeflying, Freefly Organizing, Track Dives. High Speed, Low Drag see - -
  9. Freaky Friday didn't happen, due to "murphy" and his possee...haha But FREAKY SATURDAY was awesome! HA We will be trying for a FREAKY FRIDAY again, Nov. 28th, the DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING. SKYDIVE SAN MARCOS. The new OTTER is sweeeeeeeeeeet! Thanks Phil & Deb.
  10. schooledbyslager.....tooledbykidd.... BUZZZED BY Pakaleika
  11. FREAKY FRIDAY, Tomorrow at Skydive San Marcos! All freaks be advised, IF the weather holds good, we will have Freefly gathering at San Marcos tomorrow. All freaks, all levels. NEW OTTER showing up!!!! Yeee-Haaaw! (Your mission if you choose to accept it) Start looking Have to call in sick tomorrow for work. HAHA This message will self destruct in 10 secs.....
  12. Good Shin Dig Brother! WILD STUFF!!!! Good Brew selection.... Good People.... Good Band....... Good Naked people........ Good Food..... Good Naked people..... Good costumes.... Good naked people.... Did I mention the Naked people were cool? How about another Freefly Organization weekend for Thanksgiving weekend? I promise I will be there. Will proabably be my last jumping weekend before the big move. So, ...i would like to have a last HOO-WAAA with my homies before I split. Think about it...I'll help in any way i can. Lets make it a FREEFLY BOOGIE?!?!?! maybe??? possibly??? FREAKY FRIDAY needs to be dug up and dusted off. Remember Freaky Friday???? We haven't seen Freaky friday in years!!! YES!!!! FREAKY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I heard there might be some NAKED OILY TWISTER. Is that True? Please say so.
  14. Roofies?!?!?!?!? SOLD! I'll take TWO! por favor hahahahaha