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Everything posted by swoopdaddy

  1. I am in recovery so I thought I would chime in more for my recovery than anything else. Being an addict/alcoholic is a disease. To recover, or want help, a person has to want help. Usually that moment comes when the addict reaches their bottom. As described earlier, bottom is a general term used to describe a personal set of circumstances that become so unbearable that anything is better. Sadly, for some, bottom is death. For others the bottom is the final straw which opens them to help. Unfortunately, until an addict/alcoholic reaches their bottom they will not look to change their life despite the damage they may cause to themselves or others. So, as my sponsor told me, don't deny an addict/alcoholic their bottom. The best you can do is get yourself and other out of the way. That is a good first step to providing a wake up call. The disease is unlike anything you can imagine. I knew I was killing myself and just could not stop. I could not function or even stop shaking without a drink. In the end it was either death or getting help, and I didn't want to die. The analogy that comes to mind is this, you can describe what a skydive is like to someone whose never jumped, but they really don't "know" until they make a jump. The same can be said about addiction, you really can't understand how powerless you are as an addict/alcoholic unless you are an addict/alcoholic. There is some good news, the truth is no one can make an addict/alcoholic get help. If they don't want it they won't accept it. However, once an addict/alcoholic decides they are powerless and life is unmanageable and they don't want to take drugs or drink, decide to accept help and learn a new way, no one can make them go back. I thank God everyday for my sobriety. It only took me 30 years of drinking to realize there was a better way. Good luck!
  2. swoopdaddy


    EMC Corportation has every new employee do it. Basically they burn a bunch of wood and spread it across sod so the heat is drawn down not up. I did it an did not get burned across about twenty feet of coals. Truth be told, I'd rather jump out of a plane. I think it instills way more confidence. My two cents!
  3. As I mentioned in my post, "military service" would qualify one to vote, so from my point of view your right is guaranteed. As a matter of fact, I believe if you serve/served in the military your vote should count for more! My point is if you are not contributing then you should not have the right to an opinion. Plain and simple!
  4. This country was founded in large part because the people of the colony's were being taxed without due representation in the creation of the laws under which they were governed...Taxation without representation! Now we have people who do not pay taxes being able to influence the laws under which the people who are paying the bills are being governed...Representation without taxation! And now the govenment is going to give non-taxpayers money under the premise this will stimulate the economy. It sounds to me more like buying votes. In any event, if you don't serve the country through military, community, public or monetary sevice you should not be able to vote on the people or policies/laws that rule the land! IMHO
  5. Smooth b-day greeting from your buddies at NJs STL. Much Love -DJ Hey Oren - GET BENT MF!!!