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Everything posted by jaloic

  1. Hello, Loïc JEAN-ALBERT here. I have some professional filming coming on a aerobatic airplane and might be interested in this. Do you know if it is possible to use a longer cable between cam and recorder? Does it ever zoom on opening? Some cameras do because zoom motor is weak compare to lens weight... This is not good on high roll rate when cam is on wingtip... High G. Can you shoot slow mo? for how long? Can you lock white balance, exposure etc... DSE, I would be interested in your feed back. If you feel like sharing, please send me email or call +33 492 45 35 86 (france time...) Thanks
  2. jaloic

    Para 71 Chalon/Soane

    DZ is on the highway 3h00 South of Paris, 1h30 North of Lyon. Owner is Titou Auvray. Ex French 8 way... Great man... lots of fun :-)
  3. The DVD is out and selling now on www.flyyourbody.com or at you home dealer
  4. Oh sorry, forgot to unswer the VHS question... Sorry, we don't have any VHS. It's dying, tapes get worn pretty fast and quality is low! You can get a good dvd player for less then 100€ An you will enjoy extra stuffs you d'ont have on tape, good quality, a menu to go from one part of the movie to an other. This is evolution!
  5. Well... Thank you all for these good vibes
  6. Hi all, I'm Loic from Soul Flyers. Thank you for your interest