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Everything posted by MrsB

  1. MrsB

    slow up

  2. MrsB

    DexterBASE update

    You heading to TF?
  3. Jump topless on New Year's Eve Day. "High enough to get video, low enough not to poke someone's eye out on exit."
  4. To afford that, you must be a sellin' and aweful lotta ball points, Bob....
  5. That's an excellent idea. Gotta run that one past the ball and chain!
  6. My husband and I are going to do our first "Mr. Bill" this weekend. Is it recommended that you use a bigger canopy for this? I jump a Tri 175 and my husband thinks this is big enough. But, I'm not really excited about what this might do to my canopy. Any suggestions as to exiting? I'm pretty sure we'll be going out of a 182.... He's hanging on and I'm dumping. Is this going to be a painful ordeal???
  7. my first jump of the year (today) was through a cloud. ugh. hop-n-popped from 5500, and pulled @ 4K. cloud level? = 4K-2.5K ... scary
  8. Dr's do it all the time. Was in the hospital and heard the Dr ask the guy in the room next door, what he wanted to do R.I.P. You were in the hospital and heard this? Doctors do this "all the time"? Heard it in the "next room"? What is your "line of work"?
  9. I don't come to this forum often, much less post. If I came home, and some one was in MY home that I did not recognize, I would give them ONE chance. ONE. Question from me: "Who are you and why are you in my home?" IF their answer is LESS than SOMETHING that makes me feel like they should be in my home, and I'm looking at them and they make ANY sudden the contrary... They get a bullet in the gut. PERIOD. Not paranoid. To the point. My cell will be in my hand to call 911. We can figure it out when the "authorities" get here.
  10. Yes, they ARE all with in "walking distance". Why not camp out and shower at the Flying J? Winco's got a kick ass parking lot and a nice deli menu. Are you flying out and renting a car? No experience with his course, but DO have experience with his wife's capabilities to make a mean UTAH, even. (To quote base587: you can't even get a friggin' HANGOVER in this state, eh?" PM'd you.
  11. How many shots did you say? And just what do YOU know about beastiality? heh heh.... Get some sleep!
  12. When do you leave? 587 and I will be traveling to Sea-Tac next weekend......will you still be there? I've sent you an email.
  13. I've found that no matter how genuine and "good-meaning" the thought is, articulate and non-sarcastic replies are most often heard better. Just a thought.......
  14. MrsB


    Hey, yeah, you DO!!! The best "gift", Faber, would be to have you at the Turkey Boogie! Have you considered something a little less expensive than the Concorde? UPS, perhaps?
  15. MrsB


    Haven't had my parents as ground crew. However, my Pop was MORE than happy to walk me "down the aisle" on my wedding day this summer in TF. And by the way he was a-hangin' so damned far over the rail with a camera, I'll bet if he had a rig, he would have volunteered to do video. heh heh (Ma was watching, complete with white knuckles, from below.) I just kept remembering how my Dad would say, in his best scolding voice, "If someone told you to go jump off a bridge, would you?", after watching me follow my brother's jump from the roof of the barn.
  16. Darling, did you forget to take your medication AGAIN?
  17. Awesome idea! We'll give that a try. Should I take the Canadian plates off?
  18. My husband just moved from Canada to the US. He wants to register his Honda motorcycle here. I called the DMV and they said we need a "letter from the manufacturer stating that it meets US standards". Well, when I called Nissan about his truck, they said, "No problem. We'll send it right away." We got it in just a few days. When I called Honda, they said that they don't send out letters like that. This is coming from their corporate headquarters. Any suggests? Has anyone had this problem? Help! Thanks, The Canadian Smuggler
  19. MrsB

    Cat Fun
