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    Skydive dubai
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  1. Is Xaos-21 still worth considering these days, given that it was introduced in 2001? And precision's website looks not very up to date... Doesn't seem like it's a popular canopy now (based on number of ads in classifieds section) - might be hard to sell? Although all the reviews are definitely encouraging, and the price is lower than JFX.
  2. I live near a tunnel now, and flying about 15 mins per week, and I must say it's quite frustrating. I've done a few hours like that already and don't feel much progress. Previously when I used to travel to a tunnel and do 1 or 2 hours at once (30 mins per day, 2-4 days in a row) - I felt good improvement after such camps. But these days it's mostly frustration. You practice something for these 15 minutes, get some tiny result, come next week - and start over (body has forgotten how to do the move that you learned last week). The impatience (desire to fly every week) keeps me following the 15min/week schedule, rather than accumulating some money and doing 30 mins every other week, or 1 hour once a month.
  3. That's my favourite answer! :)
  4. Sure. As long as I can fly next to someone and take a grip - I should also be able to fly next to a group and take a grip on the group (well it's probably more complicated but not too much, I hope)
  5. Thanks guys/gals, starting to save for tunnel right now :)
  6. How many headdown jumps one needs to do to be able to approach and take a grip on a 4way HD round? I've made about 100 hd jumps and I can just hang in ~5 m proximity with another jumper, and feel uncomfortable when close. How many more jumps do I need? (just trying to estimate time and money needed (I am on a budget, so tunnel is not an option)). Thanks :)
  7. Nevermind, he got back to me and I have received the canopy!
  8. Hi everyone, I've recently (April 4) bought a reserve from Nocek700, but the tracking number he gave me is incorrect (it's CP 003041707PL, and I tried using for tracking and the number can't be found), and he hasn't replied to a bunch of emails I sent him about this over the last 2 weeks. Reserve hasn't arrived yet (it was supposed to take 6-10 days), so I don't know what to do. Maybe some of you know Nocek700 and can ask him what is happening? I would really appreciate your help. -Anton
  9. Is there a dropzone in Malta? If not - where can you jump, if you live there?
  10. You can come to Aerograd Kolomna - it's a big DZ that is open every day. They have all the info on their website: Stephan Lipp from Skydive Arizona is coaching there this summer. Another big DZ near Moscow is Stupino ( Wind tunnel -
  11. 7 tandems total I started an S/L course in Russia, made 5 S/L jumps, but then I moved to the US. Did a tandem there in fall 2003. Then decided to go through AFP (3 Tandems + 7 AFF) program in summer 2004. Did 3 tandems and 1 AFF, but had to stop due to money issues. Next summer I had to start over, so 3 more tandems
  12. In Russia 1 jump equals 8 packjobs - it sucks to be a packer here
  13. thanks everyone for the replies! you gave me some food for thought