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Everything posted by andubkov

  1. Is Xaos-21 still worth considering these days, given that it was introduced in 2001? And precision's website looks not very up to date... Doesn't seem like it's a popular canopy now (based on number of ads in classifieds section) - might be hard to sell? Although all the reviews are definitely encouraging, and the price is lower than JFX.
  2. I live near a tunnel now, and flying about 15 mins per week, and I must say it's quite frustrating. I've done a few hours like that already and don't feel much progress. Previously when I used to travel to a tunnel and do 1 or 2 hours at once (30 mins per day, 2-4 days in a row) - I felt good improvement after such camps. But these days it's mostly frustration. You practice something for these 15 minutes, get some tiny result, come next week - and start over (body has forgotten how to do the move that you learned last week). The impatience (desire to fly every week) keeps me following the 15min/week schedule, rather than accumulating some money and doing 30 mins every other week, or 1 hour once a month.
  3. That's my favourite answer! :)
  4. Sure. As long as I can fly next to someone and take a grip - I should also be able to fly next to a group and take a grip on the group (well it's probably more complicated but not too much, I hope)
  5. Thanks guys/gals, starting to save for tunnel right now :)
  6. How many headdown jumps one needs to do to be able to approach and take a grip on a 4way HD round? I've made about 100 hd jumps and I can just hang in ~5 m proximity with another jumper, and feel uncomfortable when close. How many more jumps do I need? (just trying to estimate time and money needed (I am on a budget, so tunnel is not an option)). Thanks :)
  7. Nevermind, he got back to me and I have received the canopy!
  8. Hi everyone, I've recently (April 4) bought a reserve from Nocek700, but the tracking number he gave me is incorrect (it's CP 003041707PL, and I tried using for tracking and the number can't be found), and he hasn't replied to a bunch of emails I sent him about this over the last 2 weeks. Reserve hasn't arrived yet (it was supposed to take 6-10 days), so I don't know what to do. Maybe some of you know Nocek700 and can ask him what is happening? I would really appreciate your help. -Anton
  9. Is there a dropzone in Malta? If not - where can you jump, if you live there?
  10. You can come to Aerograd Kolomna - it's a big DZ that is open every day. They have all the info on their website: Stephan Lipp from Skydive Arizona is coaching there this summer. Another big DZ near Moscow is Stupino ( Wind tunnel -
  11. 7 tandems total I started an S/L course in Russia, made 5 S/L jumps, but then I moved to the US. Did a tandem there in fall 2003. Then decided to go through AFP (3 Tandems + 7 AFF) program in summer 2004. Did 3 tandems and 1 AFF, but had to stop due to money issues. Next summer I had to start over, so 3 more tandems
  12. In Russia 1 jump equals 8 packjobs - it sucks to be a packer here
  13. thanks everyone for the replies! you gave me some food for thought
  14. that's a great idea, thanks! I bet it's easier to find such a job than a job of doing freefall stunts for a movie...
  15. yeah, I was thinking of something that envolves actual jumping - those suggestions about movies, skydiving stunts, demo jumps, smoke jumping are the examples of what I was looking for. I wonder if it is possible to make a career only doing demos? How would one go about it? And movies and stunts - is there anybody on these forums who actually does that? How would one start doing this? This is very interesting because regular DZ jobs could be boring (I think) in a sense that you do the exact same thing every day - be it tandems, jumping camera with tandems, or jumping with students (although this could be challenging). And doing something like stunts or demos seems more exciting because every time it's something different, and you have to accomplish something new in each project, and you probably get this feeling of accomplishment and just a lot of stories to tell...
  16. Are there any other employment opportunities for skydivers (that envolve actual skydiving) other than the 'normal' skydiving jobs that we know ( i.e. TI, AFFI, cameraman, coach...)? Just thinking of where else skydiving can be applied and if any of you are 'skydiving for a living' but not doing the DZ jobs
  17. ... will drive from NYC on Sunday, fly in the tunnel on Monday, and come back Tuesday. Anyone would like to go with me?
  18. If you live in Philly, you have a car and are going to CrossKeys on Sunday (June 20th), give me a lift, please !!! I can pay for gas! Thanks! My email: