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  1. www.socalconverge.com Check it out!
  2. The Endless Summer Boogie is almost here, only three weeks away!!! Come out and enjoy a low $35 which gets you $20 jumps. You also will receive a badass tshirt, all the organizing you want, dinner Sat night, a chance to win jump tickets on the Bungee Run, all the maragaritas you can drink from the professional margarita machine, and raffle tickets for the biggest and best raffle ever in San Diego thanks to Precision Aerodynamics, Cookie Composites, Liquid Sky, Velocity Sports Equipment, Gravity Gear, Mirage Systems, United Parachute Technologies and more!!!!! Also come out and enjoy a helicopter jump, skim feet above the mountains on your way up to altitude and hang off the skids before you jump. (Helli Jumps are extra). Hope to see everyone there!!!
  3. The Endless Summer Boogie is set...Nov21-22 at Skydive San Diego. Confirmed so far are a low $35 registration to include organizing, raffle tickets, tshirt, dinner and Margarita Madness Sat Night. More details to follow including organizers, raffle prizes, specialty aircraft, etc. So mark your calanders and stay tuned.
  4. Check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8rr78bbjaY
  5. Come to Sunny San Diego for $20 jumps during the Endless Summer Boogie Nov 22-23 (with registration of course). We'll have all the organizing you need: Freefly organizing by David Gershfield, Mike Ortiz and Matt Lewis!! RW organizing by Julie and Gary from team Onyx!!!
  6. Its almost Boogie time in San Diego!! Everyone is getting excited! Registration is going to be $35 which will include: T-shirt, Sat Dinner, Free Beer, $20 JUMPS!!!!, raffle tickets, and free rides on the mechanical bull. Thats right we are going to have a mechanical Bull Sat Night!!! Check out the info on the flier and spread the word!!
  7. Confirmed: $20 jumps for those registered Helicopter for Sun We are still dialing in organizers for both RW and freefly.
  8. Mark your calanders! It's time for the annual Endless Summer Boogie with guest organizers, Mexican food, DJ, raffle for prizes, Jager luge, two Super Otters and a helicopter on the 23rd. More details to come soon! Get ready for great jumps and good times!
  9. Freefly Scrambles in San Diego July 19 2008 This will be a 5 round event that is an individual competition. NO TEAMS NEEDED!! Videographers will be provided. There will be two categories: intermediate(simple sitfly moves) and open(must be able to take docks headdown). Compete for prizes and most importantly bragging rights! Cost is $165 which includes jumps.(The extra is to help cover video slots). Competitors must be registered by 6 pm July 18. Fees can be paid on day of event. Come beat the heat and have some fun, friendly competition in San Diego. For rules and regulations please e-mail Matt Lewis at flarelate@yahoo.com.
  10. All skill levels welcome!!! Only $100 per day plus jumps!!! For all those super duper swoopers we will have courses in distance, zone accuracy and carving speed!!!!