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Everything posted by JoeyRamone

  1. Skydive Arizona is the world's largest drop zone. *** I read this in some post. Who has the largest DZ in America and what makes it the largest? By land, number of planes, number of jumpers a year????
  2. Post a picture of your jump. Dont die.
  3. You broke the law. They are just doing the job at hand. If that is the worst thing that happens to you this year i would count your blessings.
  4. Those are some GREAT pictures...
  5. Do you as an instructor think it's about time that the industry raises the jump rate for instructors to at least meet the cost of living? *** I think a lot is based on what DZ you work at. People are only willing to pay so much for that first skydive, then, most DZ'S, hope the people will return for another ,then an AFP or AFF program, then become a weekend jumper.... All depends on how many student walk into your home DZ.
  6. Take a step away from the computer please....
  7. I love people that post and do not have any contact info...YA sound like a TROLL to me.
  8. I feel it is the riggers job to save my ass, that is what i pay him/her to do. If you get into a car accident and the air bag saves your life to you go and buy the sales person at your car dealership a bottle? I dont think so. I saved my own ass by having the right, up to date gear, the rigger makes money everytime i need a repack. Do you go to PD and buy them a bottle for selling you your reserve?
  9. You can make some good money at SDC packing....
  10. All in time Rainbow.......
  11. You will need a lot of duct tape...
  12. I dig all music. Hardcore/speed metal. classical, rock, 80 ies, soft shit, all depends on the mood. To jump i need fast and loud...
  13. 4. Too many wannabe mods. This could go hand in hand with #3 for sure. I remember back in the Talkback days (like it was long ago ) when it was a free for all of free speech. The mods did their jobs (well, i might add) by keeping the peace and keeping it a happy environment. But now, it seems as if other people are making it their "duty as dz.commers" to play moderator and pick on people for little details about whether threads belong in certain places, what can or can't be said in threads, and totally slamming on people for just posting as normal. Come on people, HH nominated certain people as moderators for a reason, because they are good people and they are FAIR. If you're not a moderator, let them do their job and quit trying to do it for them, cuz if you're not a mod and are pulling that stuff, odds are you're being an asshole about it.*** I agree with you on that one. kinda of funny, "Hey Look at Me" I want to be a moderator so bad. No need for Internet police. Either ask to help out HH as a moderator or STFU...
  14. No need to look cool, I jump for the experience of "The Air and Rush" If you need to look cool to jump go look in the mirror and have a discussion with the person you are looking at...Time to re-evaluate why you are in the sport...
  15. Well to hell with them. Dam that is a great achievement. All the people in the current skydiving community know the facts, that is what matters. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Tim
  16. Well the last time I spoke to Roger about a pilot friend, he told me that my friend needed 2000 to be considered.
  17. Just out of curiousity, when you do jump, do you go ask to see the qualifications of the jump pilot every time you get on a plane with a new pilot? *** Roger Nelson ( RIP ) Would not let anyone fly his planes with less then 2000 hours of time. I only jump at SDC.
  18. Begging is what my dog does. So talk back is down, so what ,move on...More to life then talk back on a sky dive site....
  19. The price would not matter to me, It is just the cost to skydive in my book. I hate to pack, will never do it again and will pay what ever the fair market rate is.
  20. I packed to pass my AFF training, jumped my pack job and never packed again. I would rather have a packer do it for me. > I don't know why some people chose to rely on others to pack other > than they can't be bothered to learn about their equipment (in itself > a big confidence builder) and have money to burn. *** That is their job, they are a hell of a lot better at it then i am, it also helps people who need the cash to jump or eat.
  21. The Nelson Family, Rabbitt and Dave C....