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Everything posted by JoeyRamone
kick butt my friend.
No one made me do heroin and no one made any of your friends do it either every person makes a decision to do things in life, some have very grim outlooks like death. But to say it is the "pushers" that is a bunch of crap. I have never met a person who told me they were forced to try or do drugs. People need to take responsibility for there actions and parents need to know what the hell there kids are up too and what type of people they are associating with. Yes heroin is a very safe drug too if taken in the right mannor.
Stay off the smack, as you'll never be able to kick the habit... *** I kicked it so it can be done it was not easy but i have allot fo friend who are clean from the junk too so you are wrong about your comment..
Man sorry for the loss i had issues with the shit in the past bad news. GOD SPEED. tim
Well when you have been married for 8 years you take what you can get. I was never one to inspect a ladies asshole how about you? Need it clean so you can give it a good lick or two?
bleach your assshole so people can lick it clean i guess. sounds sick to me but what ever, who looks at you butt hole anyways?
take the time to go to deviles head, cascade or drive up to blackjack, big powderhorn, or indian head.
Could you forgive somebody who murders your loved one?
JoeyRamone replied to Bigwind's topic in Speakers Corner
No way and eye for an eye. I do not care what other think i would hunt him down and gut his ass like a pig, very slow, very, very slow. -
"COP KILLER" body count....ice-tea
That is wrong i feel for his family.
For Straight Dudes: Favorite Porn To Which To Get Off
JoeyRamone replied to SudsyFist's topic in The Bonfire
I think you have way to much time on your hand, get out and go get laid . -
You are cluesless why waste my time with you.
Thanks for the answers some people just to not understand what drugs do and how we can take the burden out of allot of the crime and by taxing the pot or what ever it is. Rookie-Ya lets keep the drunks around, when was the last time a person smoking pot killed a family on the road? How many drunk drivers killed people last night? It would also help a ton of cancer patience's as well with the pain of dying, being able to hold down food and after a big fat bong hit they can eat some food as well. you would be amazed at who smokes pot, I know judges, lawyers and doctors who get high
JoeyRamone replied to Lazycreation's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
Who cares if someone is trolling, do not respond to the darn post. Do some of you people have nothing better to do then be the internet police? -
Well this is a step in the right direction, my opinion.
We went to that for years when i lived in crystal lake ya got to do it...
I would rather hang with a bunch of stoners then a bunch of drunks any day.
DENVER LEGALIZES MARIJUANA 53% - 46%! by CC Magazine update (01 Nov, 2005) Denver voters make adult possession of one ounce or less of marijuana legal. Denver became the first city in the nation to make the private use of marijuana legal for adults 21 and older as an alternative to alcohol, a far more harmful drug. By 10.45 p.m. Tuesday night, with 100% of the votes tallied, the Alcohol-Marijuana Equalization Initiative had passed 53.49% YES to 46.51% NO. The Alcohol-Marijuana Equalization Initiative is the first local measure in the nation to draw a comparison between the harms of alcohol and marijuana. The successful I-100 campaign focused on the vast number of health, safety and social problems associated with alcohol use, promoting marijuana use to avoid the prevalence of such problems. The campaign pointed to government reports and scholarly studies that show alcohol is a contributing factor in domestic violence, sexual assaults, and other violent crimes, as well as overdose deaths, whereas the use of marijuana has never been linked to such violent behavior and there has never been a marijuana overdose death in history. Colorado Medical Marijuana certificate "It is time our laws reflect the facts, and it is an indisputable fact that marijuana is safer than alcohol, both to the user and to society," said Mason Tvert, executive director of SAFER and coordinator of the I-100 campaign. "Current laws accept and even encourage the use of alcohol over marijuana, thus pushing people toward using a more harmful substance. Why on earth would we prohibit an adult from making the rational, safer choice to use marijuana instead of alcohol in their own home?" By approving the I-100, the use of marijuana in public, the use of marijuana by people under 21, driving under the influence of marijuana, and the cultivation and distribution of marijuana would all remain illegal, much like with alcohol. Cannabis Culture will update this story as more details become available. Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER) is a Colorado-based non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the public about the harmful consequences associated with alcohol, as compared to the safer — yet illegal — substance: marijuana. Here is the language of the Initiative-100 Alcohol-Marijuana Equalization Initiative WHEREAS, according to the National Institutes of Health, an average of 317 Americans die annually as the result of alcohol overdoses; and WHEREAS, there has never been even a single fatal marijuana overdose recorded in the medical literature, as noted by the British Medical Journal in September 2003; and WHEREAS, according to U.S. Department of Justice, “About 3 million crimes occur each year in which victims perceive the offender to have been drinking at the time of the offense. Among those victims who provided information about the offender’s use of alcohol, about 35% of the victimizations involved an offender who had been drinking”; and WHEREAS, extensive research, documented in official reports by the British government's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs and the Canadian Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, among others, shows that -- unlike alcohol -- marijuana use is not generally a cause of violence or aggressive behavior and in fact tends to reduce violence and aggression; WHEREAS, it is the intent of this ordinance to have the private adult use and possession of marijuana treated in the same manner as the private adult use and possession of alcohol; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ________________________________________________________________________ TEXT OF PROPOSED INITIATIVE (proposed addition in all caps, underlined) Amend Art. 5, Div. 3, Sec. 38-175 (Revised Municipal Code) (a) It shall be unlawful for any person UNDER THE AGE OF TWENTY-ONE (21) to possess one (1) ounce or less of marihuana. If such person is under the age of eighteen (18) years of age at the time of the offense, no jail sentence shall be imposed and any fine imposed may be supplanted by treatment as required by the court.
No Jail Time for Florida Teacher in Sex Case
JoeyRamone replied to jeiber's topic in Speakers Corner
if she was my teacher i would of banged her for sure. -
To many dam people in that town i move out last year to Oswego, get a hell of allot more for th emoney 7 years of naperville was nuts . Chesapeak landings apts suck ass too bad.
Don't feed the squirrels? Nuts to you, she says
JoeyRamone replied to JoeyRamone's topic in Speakers Corner
It does sound that way.. -
Can you tell a computer nerd from a serial killer? Quiz!
JoeyRamone replied to windcatcher's topic in The Bonfire
9 out of 10... -
Don't feed the squirrels? Nuts to you, she says
JoeyRamone replied to JoeyRamone's topic in Speakers Corner
What is next? Man leave the lady alone please.... http://www.gainesville.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051118/LOCAL/211180312/1078/news Article published Nov 18, 2005 Don't feed the squirrels? Nuts to you, she says EAST LAKE - Her name is Frances, almost like the saint. And like St. Francis of Assisi, Frances Mirowski loves animals. She has had three dogs in her lifetime but has decided that's enough. It hurts too much when they die. The mother of five has been widowed twice. She's 82 years old. She's survived four heart attacks and can't travel past her yard without a wheelchair. Her world now is contained within her villa in the Salem Square subdivision in East Lake, where a statue of St. Francis stands guard at her door and another sits in her atrium, a bird on his shoulder, a bunny at his feet. She begins every day feeding bread crumbs and peanuts to the birds and squirrels in her yard. She says it's one of life's few remaining joys. "I wait for the day to begin because I have something to do," she said. Then last Thursday, she got a letter demanding that she stop. For 12 years, no one said a peep about the bathrobe-clad woman's morning routine. Maybe they weren't outside at 7 a.m. to see the seven or eight squirrels waiting for her by the oak tree. Maybe they didn't see anything wrong in it, or didn't care. But this year, someone in this subdivision of 107 units complained. On Thursday, Mirowski received a letter from Ronald J. Costa, the property manager for her subdivision. "We are informing you to cease and desist feeding the wildlife," it reads. She was in violation of a county ordinance against feeding wildlife, the letter says. By feeding the community's wild critters, she could be luring coyotes and disease to the neighborhood. She cried. She feared the police would come, and was afraid of being fined. "I couldn't believe this was happening," Mirowski said. "I never broke the law for any reason." Her son, Bill Ploplis, has written to the American Civil Liberties Union. "A person her age doing something quite innocent and getting a formal, negative response is not right," he said. Despite the letter, Mirowski doesn't appear to be violating anything. There is no state law or county ordinance against feeding birds or squirrels. According to state law, Mirowski would only be in violation if she were feeding alligators, foxes, raccoons, sandhill cranes or bears. In an e-mail, Lisa A. Baltus, senior environmental specialist for Pinellas County and Brooker Creek Preserve land manager, told Bill Ploplis that a county ordinance against feeding wildlife applies only to raccoons, possums and similar wild animals. The letter came in response to comments at the annual homeowners meeting in October, during which some homeowners complained about other residents feeding wildlife, said Peggy Psaledakis, former president of the Salem Square Homeowners Association. "As a result, they were getting rodents and blackbirds and those wood storks," Psaledakis said. "There are a lot of owners that are upset with it and concerned with the types of food being fed to the wildlife." At the meeting, Heritage Property Management, Inc., the subdivision's management company, was told to send all residents letters advising them not to feed the wildlife, Psaledakis said. It's not clear why only Mirowski got a letter, but Tom DiGangi, president of the homeowners association, said he reminded Costa to send a letter to everybody. Costa declined to comment. DiGangi said the association can't stop Mirowski from feeding the animals, but it is asking her to cooperate, perhaps by switching to a bird feeder. Psaledakis said the community has had problems with bobcats and raccoons. Residents have been advised to use bungee cords to keep their trash lids shut, she said. Because they live near Brooker Creek Preserve, residents see a lot of small wildlife, said DiGangi, who said he hasn't seen any coyotes in the area. "We're constantly on guard," DiGangi said. However innocent Mirowski's intentions, feeding wild animals just isn't a good idea, said Gary Morse, spokesman for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. "Feeding wildlife is not recommended because it causes animals to lose their natural fear of people," Morse said. The squirrels could set up house in and around her house, causing property damage, he said. Plus, bread is considered junk food for birds. But Mirowski doesn't intend to stop tossing out bread crumbs and peanuts. "It's my only joy for the day," she said.