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  1. I have the solution, and it is pretty. Mandatory Giant Springs on their feet. Also, in case they're inverted due to brainlock, giant springs on their head. Also, let's wrap them in bubblewrap just in case, and then some springs around their body. They'll look like a porcupine that just came out of a jericurl hair salon. You might ask "but, how would that be any fun? They can't see!" Two giant springs on their eye-sockets. They can look out the hollow part of the spring. Simple. b0iNgY!
  2. Just out of curiousity, I have a few questions: 1. Is 150-ish jumps the point where magic yoda physics knowledge happens, and you can slow down the matrix and predict exactly how the jump will occur? It seems to me that a jumper willing to push the envelope a bit is already confident in his skills and the potential outcome, and I don't think good jumpers become great ones by doing the same thing over and over again. 2. Did you really say, in a skydiving forum, that this might be dangerous? OH NOS! Sorry, I read that like you were being a prick, despite your efforts. Cheers, - Tso