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  1. My favorite it a triple front flip. Stand at the exit. When you jump just throw a front flip. You can feel the wind against you. You can open up to stable into the wind. You will be head to earth but still on the slide. Hope you have fun.
  2. Gus videoed me several times since my first tandem a year ago to my girlfriends tandem 6 months ago. He was a great man. I was very kind and soft-spoken. I got the chills this morning at the DZ when we heard who it was and how it happened. I have just heard the news that he died and I have shed a tear. He is going to be missed at the DZ. Is anybody going to be at the DZ tomorrow, Sunday, so we can maybe do a BIG WAY for a BIG-HEARTED GUS out of the sky van. Brett Hilliard
  3. First let me say Congradulations on passing your AFF. Next let me say. I WANT MY CASE OF BEER FOR YOUR FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL
  4. Welcome to If you have any questions post it. Some will rag on ya. Some will give some great advice. You can learn from other peoples mistakes and dont be afraid to post your own so others may learn. We are all here because that damn Free Fall is'nt just long enough....RIGHT?
  5. Incorrect. See HERE for the explanation. ltdiver Thank you so much for that visual, now I understand.
  6. I am paying on a rental gear from my DZ and I agree, If I had it here at the house and was able to practice packing it, It would not get me so upset.....I only have 800 left to pay on it so hopefully I will have it as my own soon. I also believe that the bag would better hold something smaller than a 170 alot easier, and yes I do belive the reserve is smaller than the main. Dont have it here to give you the exact sq. on the reserve......but hope to never have to use it though.....if ya know what I mean
  7. Welcome to skys, pull and flare
  8. Ok so I am seeing a consistency in the posts. Flat.....big to small FF......big to small High pulls 4-5K Tandems When I load I tell everybody that I will be solo and belly......sometimes the FF. Who obviously have more experience than I do, sometimes want to go in front of me and sometimes behind me. When you FF you have greater chance of drifting, correct? I was thinking that if a stable belly solo could have a FF in head down or sit that it traveling at 180-200+ with drift could catch the belly or be just above the belly that is pulling......By the way I pull at 3000-3500 depending on the wind speed vs the spot. And like I have said I am relatively knew but I do have a little of experience but I am very eager to learn from you more experienced jumpers to have safer airspace.
  9. I have had several jumps over the past couple of days and on every load the more experenced jumpers on the load wanted different exit orders. It has been a year since my AFF and I am close to my 100th jump, so I am new but not that new to know where my place should be. Could ya'll refresh my memory on the general guidlines of the exit order.
  10. Most I have had in one day was 6, but a usual day is 3-5, I have a packer that takes care of my rig so I can relax. The only downside is they take so long to pack for me. I drop my rig of and come back 20 min later and they haven't started packing it yet. I usually dont manafest untill my rig is done so I dont have to go through the trouble of putting myself on a load and then taking myself off because my rig is not done. I could pack it myself but I dont have enough practice sticking the 170sq ft into a bag that holds like a 150-160 better. I have done it a few times under direction of my packer that tought me but usually I would rather get the jumps in that day then have to spend an hour packing my rig.
  11. Welcome, I too have cruised the alot before and still making posts. Good luck on your B license and look forward to hearing of your future experences.
  12. Well let me say, welcome to the sport that you are about to embark on. Welcome
  13. Definatly tandem first. As others have said, there is a sensory overload on your first jump. Take the tandem and enjoy the ride.....
  14. Let me tell you that it will be nothing like you have ever experienced before. What ever you think it will be like is nothing what it is going to feel like. It is the ultimate feeling. First, there is no stomach drop like you would get from a roller coaster because when the door opens there is nothing but wind. and you have to realize that you are traveling forward at 100mph so when you actually go out the door you are actually going with the forward movement of the plane. You will slowly transition to a downward movement. But you will not notice it at all. The feeling that you will get (other than then the adrenalin rush) is something comparable to sticking your head out of a window at 120mph. Please let us know how your experience is, once you get the smile off your face from ear to ear.