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Everything posted by elpidd

  1. 0-60 Student gear 60-200 Silhouette 150 WL 1.2 200-550 Springo 140 WL 1.4 550-560 Pilot 132 WL 1.5 560-570 Pilot 124 WL 1.6 570-580 Pilot 117 WL 1.7 580- present Mamba 111 WL 1.8 My next downsize? I don`t think thats going to happen...
  2. Do the design of the canopy stay the same, or is it modified after a while? I own a Springo manufactured in 96. I know that it comes with a different slider now. But have they changed the design of the canopy itself?
  3. I have been to Bänkås two times. I had great fun at both occasions. "Hoppveckan" is arranged sometime in july and gathers jumpers from Sweden and Norway. During this week the dropzone offers hot meals, open bar and jumps from hot air ballon! The locals are crazy when they party, but I don`t mind that at all.
  4. elpidd

    Bodoe Fallskjermklubb

    Bodø Parachute Club was founded in 1969. Since then, there have been many jumpers around the club, and a couple of those who started the club are still jumping. Over the years, Bodø Parachute Club has owned two small aircraft, but since the last one was sold in 1989, a rented airplane has been used. Today, a Cessna-182 is rented and carries four hoppers to 10,000 feet at approx. 20 minutes. The club has a clubhouse of 100 m2 in Rishaugveien, just outside Bodø's main station. Here is also our jump field. In addition, we skip 4-5 weekends in the summer half-year at Rognan .. If you would like more information about the club or the club's offerings, send an email leder@bofsk.com