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  1. Hey man congrats, I am a tunnel rat. I love it and I am glad to here you found a confort in jumping from them. A tunnel as a good class room, but doesnt replace the real thing! Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  2. I would like to know what weird style's are out in the skydiving world. And hope to give a few ideas to Ari... ROCK ON TUNNEL RATz Hey if you got pics post them : ) Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  3. QUALIFYING Today we had 23 bodyflight competitors qualify at SkyVenture Orlando to compete in this upcoming Tuesday’s event. These 23 included Antonio Macedo, Ari Perelman, Carlos Euribe, Chris Ash, Daniela Monteiro, Danielle Ford, Emmanuelle Celicout, Fabian Raidel, Jay Kaplan, Joao Tambor, Joe Winters, Juliana Se Raidel, Martin Skrzypczak, Michael Biederman, Michael Kirkland, Nancy Tremblay, Nick Meier, Philip Wheeler II, Rosaly Trach, Sean Hicks, Sean Maccormac, Sergey Kuznetsov & Steven Blincoe. Tomorrow is a practice day composed of four hours of discounted practice time at increased tunnel speed. If you are interested in practicing for the event during these times please contact ASAP. COMPETITION Thursday’s event will begin around 5:00 pm and all competitors should be at SkyVenture Orlando at or before 4:30 pm. The event will be broken down into four divisions being Intermediate, Advanced, Open & 2-way. The cost of each of these events will be $35 registration plus $75 for Intermediate, $105 for Advanced, $90 for Open & $85 for 2-way. All flight will run approximately $9-11 per minute. We believe that there will be approximately seven Open competitors, four Advanced competitors, nine Open competitors and five 2-way teams. We will be announcing the competitors in each division by tomorrow evening. If you have not yet told one of the competition organizers what event(s) you plan to compete in please email or call 407-474-1387 ASAP. Again, the event will run from 5:00 pm until 12:00pm on the evening of Tuesday April 6th, 2004. All competitors will be expected to be at SkyVenture Orlando before the event by 4:30 pm, but can plan on the following schedule: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Prep and competitor’s meeting 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm: Advanced Finals and 2-way Semi-Finals 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm: Open Semi Finals 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm: Intermediate Finals, Open finals & 2-way Finals 11:00 pm – Late: Fun fly time at fast speed and cheap rates JUDGING This even will be judged by a panel of three judges (Max Cohn, Alfonso Cartagena & Brannan Johnson) by the following categories: 1) Technical: Axis control, level control, heading control, proximity control 2) Artistic: Style, beauty, flow 3) Difficulty: Complexity and diversity of maneuvers 4) 'Go Big': Innovation and intensity. Method of scoring: Scale of 1 to 10 (10 being a the highest score) Each judge scores each competitor in each category once, regardless of how many rounds a competitor's performance is broken into. Each judge will add up all four categories for each competitor and establish their own 'results' (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc...). The three judges will then add up each competitor's 'results score' and the competitors with the lowest 'total results' scores, are then designated as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.. For the Open and Two-way divisions, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placed competitors advance to the 'finals round'. For the open and two-way divisions, the 'semi-final' scores are not linked to the 'finals' round. If there is a tie, the judges will break the tie by using the highest averaged 'go big score'. If there is still a tie, the judges will break the tie by using the highest averaged 'difficulty score'. If there is still a tie, the judges will break the tie by using the highest averaged 'technical score'. If there is still a tie, the judges will break the tie by using the highest averaged 'artistic score'. If there is still a tie, the judges will break the tie by using their best judgment. PRIZES Prizes will be in the form of cash, certificate and product and will be announced tomorrow evening and awarded immediately after the even Tuesday evening. Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  4. I have a little over 200 jumps. Loaded 1.11 on a Tri 190. I have about 60 jumps junder this main but it was only my 3rd jump at this DZ. I must admit that the lose of my main was on my mind. Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  5. Here is my story.. I was doing a cross country and on deployment at 12k I had a mal. My toggle was up in my lines. I worked the risers and did what I had to-do and got it down and control. But this was not done till like 9k or at least that’s when I looked at the Alti. I would like to know when other people would cut it away. I must say that if this was to happen under 4k it would have been gone quickly. And I was about to cut away but I knew I had some time on my hands. Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  6. We will have prizes of each Division. This is not only a completion but a time and a place to help people learn from each other. The completion is only a part of the goings on during this event. You will have some of the best flyers around to talk and learn from. As it stands you will need to qualify into a division. The coaches and employees I know so far that are competing will be in the open and 2-way divisions. Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  7. Ok listen I am a SR tunnel Rat.. What skills would you like to work on and what do you want to come of this time feeling... Also Blinco replied he is a great coach ... But, first let me know what you need to work on and maybe I can help point you in the right direction.. Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  8. I wanna go, THe111 I call upon the road trip gods. I will not hurt my leg this time....... Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  9. Can you fly? Prove it… Come compete in the Body Flight Challenge at SkyVenture Orlando April 4-6, 2004. The competition event will range from 4:00pm to 11:00pm each evening. You are invited to view the competition or compete as an athlete. Compete in up to two of five different divisions of flight type; including Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, 2-Way & Open. Divisions are broken down as follows: Basic – This division will be judged on improvement during multiple flight sessions. You may flat fly and may not sit fly or fly head down. You can have a coach fly with you during this event. You will be judged by your fellow competitors. Intermediate – This division will be judged on performance relative to other flyers by your peer competitors. You can sit fly but may not fly head down. Advanced – This division will be judged on performance relative to other flyers by your fellow competitors in the semi-finals, and by a panel of three industry judges during finals. All maneuvers are allowing within this division. You must qualify and be approved into this division. Current SkyVenture employees will not be allowed to compete within this division. Open – This division will be judged on performance relative to other flyers by your fellow competitors in the semi-finals, and by a panel of three industry judges during finals. All maneuvers are allowing within this division. You must qualify and be approved into this division. Current SkyVenture employees will be allowed to compete within this division. 2-Way – In this division you and your teammate will compete in 2-way competition head to head with other 2-Way teams. You and your teammate can compete also in Advanced or Open division, but are not required to. Both you and your teammate will have to pay together and qualify into this event. There are no maneuver limits. Current SkyVenture employees will be allowed to compete within this division. Get more info from or Organized for you by Joao Tambor, Alfonso Cartagena, and Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  10. Is the SanDrift any good? Sunny said he has 5 rooms at like 50 bucks and 1 at 100... Please let me know if this place sucks totaly... Dr. Cabana Boy Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  11. like any hotels in walking distance ??? Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  12. Het trust me try Contact Day & Night or ZICAM.. Feel Better Dr. Cabana Boy Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  13. Alright gotta keep your word, I understand. Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US
  14. Count Caban Boy in then The111! We could have a cannonball race from the house to the DZ... And for SunnyDee Listen if you got a head cold take ZICAM or Contact Day and Night, as long as you have no heart conditions or Diabetic. Well if you are stalking up on Decongeatants You shouldn't be either.... Feel Better ;) Dr. Cabana Boy Life is what you make of it! Come Fly WITH US