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Everything posted by whizzif

  1. #1. Yuri - going to enjoy turbulence-free flights while all air-disturbing L/D=0.5 f**ckers are a thousand miles away. 001. Scotty Burns 111. Matt Hoover 4. Andreea (Supergirl) 5. Jarno 'Mc' Cordia 6. Robert Pecnik (maybe:) 7. Justin Shorb (Jsho fo sho. 2020) oh and flock U 8. Matt Shroyer 9. Scott Bland (notsane) 10. me (badenhop) 11. Rick (dzjnky) oh, and flock U fo sho 12. Marion Mobley (fmmobley) 13. Michelle (EmLo) 14. Todd (DaMan) 15. Scott Gray (The Brothers Gray) 16. Paul Cain 17. Elana Cain 18. Brian Barnhart (did I make in time? 19. Paul Johnston - SLUM University -
  2. I would sincerely like to second this motion. A lot of us take these guys for granted -- Not only does the equipment cost a ton -- but the hours of flying to get those flat spins dialed in, etc. is a huge investment. And it's not only the money these guys have tied up in equipment and jump tickets, etc. -- they are putting their lives on the line every jump to get these pics -- those cameras are heavy and add a whole other layer of risk. I used to fly tandem video and had a really bad opening and hurt my neck really bad (sold all of my camera gear because of it)-- the guy that got me into skydiving doesn't jump anymore because he broke his neck flying camera -- Not to mention, they rarely get video and pics of themselves -- huge sacrifices. So, yeah, send these guys some coin!!
  3. Let's not all forget the superb SLUMMIN' that was going down as well -- good times indeed. SLUM U did some heavy recruiting and it's alma mater was distinguished. I believe Flock and Dock 5.0 will be the midterm and the final will be held at the Pepprill CASA boogie...start studying....and as always, Danny and I have office hours if any of you have questions on the assignments.
  4. Careful Dan -- not too many jumps -- the goal of SLUM U is to asymptotically approach becoming a WHUFFO. It is an art -- one that only you and I have mastered. Danny and I will be offering SLUMMIN' coaching at the boogie this year -- Danny -- we're going to need more chairs. I'm thinking we could probably get some SLUM formation loads on the ground if we had enough chairs with rollers -- formation SLUMMIN' is in its infancy stages -- we'll work out all the kinks and down all the drinks soon enough...
  5. Justin, I am so upset you didn't plug SLUM U -- Stay tuned. I'm sure SLUM U will have a spot on FOX NEWS after the PR boogie!! I personally would have worn the Pepprill CASA BOOGIE T-shirt -- a bit more peronable....maybe next time eh? haha Good stuff though sir....carry on... see you all in PR!
  6. I found a sweet cabin near the dropzone for cheap if I can get 4 people (including myself) -- let me know -- it's got a pool, near the DZ -- looks like a really chill spot -- I might have one other coming with me -- but let me know if there are any other birds needing a nest. I"m flying in Feb 9 and leaving Feb 16... need to book asap though wishiwasflying@gmail.com 434-242-3243 Let me know.. CAW!
  7. Justin, I stand corrected -- you are absolutely right -- SLUM U will not stand for this sort of ambition and effort -- A SLUM load (a.ka. me and Dan doing a two way...haha) will not be manifested. Sorry I missed you guys at Seb..... Blues, Paul
  8. So, I got tix Monday to Monday and am looking for someone who has lodging booked that might want some extra cash -- anyone anyone? This is my first year over there -- and I really don't want to sleep in Danny's kitchen but I will if I have to...haha I was hoping to check out the rainforest, hike, check out some surfing, cruise around the island with some peeps that already have a car booked and just hook you guys up with some cash -- I was hoping to work all this out in Florida but...plans changed and I couldn't make it down there...if someone wants to try and coordinate some lodging/what nots...hit me up wishiwasflying@gmail.com 434-242-3243 Danny -- think we can get a slum load manifested..haha...
  9. Ok, so there was just a V8 commercial with some wingsuit action...I just caught a glimpse of it (CBS) --I saw some red and white so I immediately thought it was Justin but I don't think it was -- who got this gig? And more importantly, why wasn't there more Scottie footage in it...Scottie did you shoot this? It had an older guy drinking a V8 at the end. Where will the whoring stop? haha....that's it, I'm calling Viagra to shoot an ad -- "Wanna keep it up there all day" -- TonySuits!! -- that's going to be the slogan... And I think I'll finish it off with a "bah-dah-buh-buh-buh -- Jeff Nebelkopf!" It's going to be a hit -- haha Paul J.
  10. My first ever out of state boogie (I'll bring the beer next year or maybe I'll just bring it to Puerto Rico in Feb) it totally sucked. The weather was complete shite, the people were all very rude, the organizing was awful, all in all, very disappointed....kidding!! By far the best boogie I've ever been to, great jumping with everyone -- it was a real pleasure meeting everyone and look forward to seeing everyone again very soon. A very very very special thanks to Jose for his unparamount generosity for the certificate. That was incredibly nice and totally unexpected. I promise to fufill my end of the deal and make it to PR in Feb. You just think I slummed it on Sunday, wait until there is a beach involved...haha... The raptor is already on order and hopefully should be here by Halloween. If any of you don't have Halloween plans, West Point is a pretty fun place to be -- casa, good party -- just throwing that out there... Just between me you and the gatepost, I was about to throw in the towel because no one at West Point will jump a wingsuit with me -- and I was getting tired of doing solos...this has completely hyped me up on jumping again...so thanks to everyone for rekindling the fire.....I can't wait to get the new suit and get better. Justin, Jeff, Phil -- thanks so much. The organizing was top notch, and I learned a lot. Jeff, thanks for the food. Matt/Scotty -- thanks for the pics/videos....Rick, congrats on all the good news and 1000th!! Paul/Elana -- cheers for letting me ride up with you and the pooch.... Blue skies and slummy Sundays! haha. Paul
  11. Only jumped with him a few times at West Point. He was a great guy. A true philanthropist. He will be missed. Blue Skies Waldo....
  12. whizzif


    Ok, so the rubber glove thing over shitty gloves isn't working. Anyone got a good pair of gloves and know where I can get some cheap? I've see some white water winter rafting gloves but thought I'd ping you guys. Let me know. Thanks
  13. Valentine's Day Boogie at West Point. For those of you in the area, it is also Woolly's birthday. Barforce will be fully operational. Come one, come all!! Good times guaranteed...and the skydiving will be cool too!! www.skydivethepoint.com for more info
  14. Need a little help here...Need to know where I can send my triathlon canopy to get relined. Tried doing a google search but no dice... Any help would be appreciated. Blue skyys