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Everything posted by xdoctor

  1. I know this is the wrong forum for this, but I think as many people should read it as possible. A few months back, I posted an ad in the classified forum. The gear never sold, but I got an email from a man in response to that ad today. He is claiming to be an Australian man who needs to get money out of the country. Its similar to the Nigerian 419 scams. The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  2. I was shut down. My brain started rebooting when the door came open. At about 6k, it clicked back on long enough to say, "What the F@ck have you just done?" Then the little man in the back of my head shouted, "PULL!" and the next thing I remember I was on the ground. The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  3. I'm new to the sport, don't have my A yet. Maybe that means I'll remember my training more clearly. My ground instructor said to look for several things. 1. Canopy is big and square. 2. Slider came down. 3. Canopy can be controllable. Being as I wouldn't be comfortable trying to land with rear risers, I'd say it falls under #3 and chop it. The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  4. I did consider that this might be a scam. I looked into it and these are the people I sent the rig to. God knows I can save my UPS recipts but not my CC bills. They charged me $359.00 for cypress batteries and to do the 'checkup' on it. That plus $21.00 for some zero p to patch my main comes to $380.00 The real pisser is that I sold that rig last season and bought a new one from someone else. The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  5. These guys did some work on my rig two years ago. I remember paying for it at the time and thinking, "$#@^ that's a lot of money for batteries!" About a month back they called me up and notified me that I still owe them the money. I have dug all through my records, requested statements from my credit cards and can't find proof that I paid. Yesterday they called me eight times beginning at 8am (I'm working nights, this is like me calling your home at 2am.) I've found thier staff to be pushy and rude and will never EVER do business there again. Has anyone else had similar problems with them? The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  6. xdoctor

    Any ideas?

    "The most fun you can have with your clothes on." "Skydiving: Putting the 'Terminal' back in terminal velocity since 1914." The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  7. Ogden would not be bad, but I'm hell and gone from there. We'd be looking at an 8-10 hour drive. Colorado is only 4-5. Thanks to all for the replies, maybe there is hope for the summer. The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  8. Hello all, It has been a long time since I've stopped by these forums, but I need help now. Until the end of last summer there was only one DZ (that I know of) in Wyoming. It was way up north in Pine Haven. Unfortunately, last year the only airplane the DZ had, met the ground in a rather unceremonious manner. No one was hurt, but the plane is gone. (That's two in two years.) If anyone knows of another place in Wyoming to jump, I'd really love to know about it. Aside from that, can anyone from Colorado suggest a DZ that will allow SL? We have about twenty students, all with 1-5 jumps that we'd really like to get on freefall without the cost of AFF.
  9. My skydiving goal this year is to at least, double the number of jumps i got last year. So I'm shooting for a minimum of 2. Bloody hard to find an airplane in this part of the world. The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  10. I'm actually from Wyoming. This is unfortunately accurate. The mayor of Chicago, 'the windy city' visited a few years back and remarked that he had never seen such high winds. As I type I think its about 45mph. Speaking of Wyoming, anyone else on here from the Cowboy State? The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  11. Why is it that the only folks that have ripcords on their main anymore are the old timers? What exactly is a capewell? Why do the younger jumpers seem to love the RSL and the old timers seem to hate them? Why doesn't anyone jump a round reserve anymore? I appreciate the input, these are questions that have been plagueing me for months now. The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  12. I just finished my fifth static line jump this afternoon and I've been having a recurring problem that I'm hoping someone may have the answers to here. My first four jumps were on student gear, mirage containers and triathalon 280 mains. On every one of those jumps, no matter how tightly I seemed to adjust the leg straps they ended up cutting into my legs so bad I could only make one jump a month and then wait for the bruises to heal. I also noticed on all of these jumps that the chest strap came all the way up to my chin every time. I had an instructor check everything and he said he thought I was just a little too big for his harness. (I'm 6'3" 235lbs) So I got together with my jumpmaster and long time friend and I bought a new rig built to fit me. Its a Racer with a Triathalon 230. I jumped it for the first time today and had the exact same problem, except this time I caught my new chest mounted altimiter in the teeth. ouch. But I looked real closely at what was happening on the way down and I noticed that there is a good 3" between my shoulders and the top of the harness while under canopy. If anyone has any idea as to how I might remedy this problem I'd love to hear it. I'd really like to keep jumping, but the "walking funny" time after each jump is just more than its worth right now. Any ideas you might have would be greatly appreciated. The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  13. Sam Gronning, He got me into the sport as he was getting back into it. He helped me relax and have fun, helped me pick out my first rig and has always been a good friend. Oh, and he beat me with a stick when I wanted to quit. The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  14. I'm in the middle of my static line jumps now, the wyoming winter and a minor plane crash shut us down for the winter. I havn't done aff, but i know that if that were the only training program available, i never would have done this. The cost is just too high. I'm paying $45 for my static line student jumps and it got me on the DZ where my buddy helped me find a used rig I picked up at about 1/3 its value. The way I look at it, with the money I saved by doing s/l I paid for my own rig. Now i've just got to get these last two bastards out of the way before I can use it. The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  15. My weiredest skydiving dream was one of those really strage ones you have when you're sick. I was out with the flu on a NyQuil induced coma and dreamed I was crawling around in the clouds. There were ladders and jungle gyms in there and we were just playing around. Then I jumped, pulled and the pilot chute was all that deployed. I rode it in for a safe landing. The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.
  16. I think I've got you all beat. I'm in Wyoming, and have to drive to Colorado to get in a jump. Works out to about 300 miles. 4 Hours in a car just to find an airplane they'll let me jump out of. Its worth every second isn't it? The flying hamster of doom rains coconuts upon your pitiful city.