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Everything posted by mfgobbi

  1. Hi all. I am the original poster of this thread. This weekend I made 3 jumps, talked to a number of people, had my canopy jumped and inspected. This is what: I was able to control the spinning after opening all three times by following the recommendations on the replies to my post. Most problems were resolved by a good body position during opening. The other thing is that I had different kinds of rubber bands on my bag, including regular bands, colored ones and tube stoes. According to a rigger friend who jumped it, this was causing non-symmetrical openings and possibly causing line twists and off-heading openings. It´s been all taken care of now. I again want to thank everyone who contributed by posting your ideas. M. Gobbi
  2. Thanks to all that responded. As I said I only have 10 jumps with this canopy. I will start off having my canopy, lines, and harness checked, then making sure my body position is ok during opening; it has to be one of these. Even if I need 20 more jumps to learn to fly the openings I think it's worth it. I have had one too many hard opening with the sabre that almost broke my ribs (couldn't jump for a month). I am not going bacck. Thanks again.
  3. I am just switching from a sabre 150 to a stiletto 135 (only 10 jumps so far). My stiletto was bought used with about 400 jumps and is in overall good condition. My problem is that in 6 out of the 10 opennings, it started turning left in a spiral and wouldn't stop until I released the toggles and stopped it. Then it flies normaly at all ranges from full glide to deep brakes. The thing is that the turns usualy start with all cells aparently completely inflated. Is this normal? I was told that at that point the canopy is still in the pressurization opening stage. Should I just learn to fly the opening to deal with it? Any thoughts will be appreciated. BTW, I never had that kind of problem with the sabre.