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Everything posted by JohnDoe

  1. JohnDoe

    any takers?

    Well to start with... 1. Land use (Zoning/Permits) Do you have setback requirements and can you meet them so that when it falls over it doesn't land in your neighbors yard? This process could cost a couple thousand or the sky is the limit depending on if the jurisdiction requires NEPA studies,wetland studies, ect ect ect. 2.Geotechnical drilling for foundation design 4+K 3.Foundation design 3K 4.New Anchor Bolts turned 4k?? 5.Foundation...Drill and pour w/ caison cages included ...hmm Im gonna guess 25k+ ...depends on the bore log from the geotech. 6.Tower erection can be from 30 to 50K+ depending on method used. Gin pole or conventional/hydraulic crane. Is your back yard big enough to lay out all that steel? 7.FAA registration and lighting kit 5K. 8. Safety climbs for all your buddies @ 225$ a peice 9. 10 11.All the other shit I forgot to include! Sorry to burst you bubble but this is just a guesstimate and it could be a lot more money depending on a variety of factors. Take it easy. Alan
  2. Great job at Fuckin up a awesome post by TreeJumps (BTW Mighty big of you Tree! ) Back to the topic:Congratulations Miles on a new world record! Alan
  3. I hope somone is there to stop him cuz it sounds like will just keep going and going and going! Great job Miles! ADD or are definately not AVERAGE and alot of children are better off because you are who you are! Whats the final # anyone? Alan
  4. Miles told me to look up this thread so I could donate the the children's benefit......I didn't expect to find Miles getting bashed for this. Pretty sad. Shane Thanks for posting the numbers to donate. I called and left messages. TVPB Great analogy and expression of your opinion, I appreciate the time you spent to put your perspective out there. Average Tree Thanks for nothing! You don't seem to ever have anything positive to say about others...especially Miles. I wonder did you tell him to his face what you thought of him when you met him in TF? Just curious. Hate Red Bull? Dont buy it! Hate Miles? Don't talk to him! Its pretty simple. I'm sorry you feel so much hate in your heart.......I don't think Miles does???? Miles Great Job and I wish you safe jumps and hope you succeed in your attempt. I feel you already have as you have already bettered the life of these children by showing that you care. I support you 100%. Alan Christoffersen
  5. Congratulations T.K. !!! Thanks Asylum for the generosity you have shown to those who need it the most! A
  6. Why do you want lease contact information? PM me if you wish. A
  7. I suppose we could go Paragliding again...... By all means lets make the rounds again! Sunsets up North and a weekend camping trip down South sound good to you? A
  8. Well I believe I have witnessed the impossible, Faber with a slider doing tard overs! You guys must have worked him over on this trip as he wasnt the same guy I watched Paraglide off the 950' E a couple weeks ago. Faber I believe has found his nirvana, dont pack, walk 3 min to exit, land , walk 50' to a boat waiting to haul his ass to a waiting air conditioned ride back to exit. He was all smiles! Nice tard Faber! C ya in Seattle., A
  9. Ding Ding! Off come the gloves! Sounds like I hit the soft spot...are those tiny tears? How cute No the the delay was perfect.......If your jumping off the porch! Im ok with needed the exercise walking back. I guess if I was as short as you, the BUSH that I drug my feet ACROSS would look like a Sequoia. But thats not your fault....after all you are Dutch. You got me on this one cuz I have no frickin idea what you are saying....guess I will have to study up on my Faberneese. Is that why I am getting thes goddamn headaches? I thought is was from all of your whinning! Yes it is...was...and will be That was fun shit! Cant wait for us to go do it again......... A
  10. ***Fuck you Buddy. I Will Repack that for You. Noooooooo ProBbLeeemmmmmOo. Your not getting out of this that easy.*** Get Em Ray! He is trying to sissify our beautiful objects with his "Hand Held", Hand Bag holding, sissy pilot chute tossin, "Oooh I'm soo cooold" six second ninny crap! Light his feet on fire...I hear he likes it! At least it will get his lazy ass climbing Oh Faber did I just say that? YES!
  11. QuoteWhat about euro chicks?)))) I know a couple of super-hot chicks from Norway, France, UK...))) May be you should make the 2-years calendar))) ...Russian gals also....)))*** Dont forget Belarus! I couldnt agree with you more about Euro women! My wife made her first jump at TF on Memorial Day. Now she understands the smile on my face after a jump. A
  12. Most jumpers on this rock are recommend to go slider-down on their first jump. The shape of the face can freak first-timers out causing them to pitch too early, so slider-down is better for the first jump. *** NAh...I think that was was made up by some poor bastard trying to save face JJ In Fabers case .......the truth is, the lazy ass is practicing to try out for the US long distance Paragliding Team. .........I think he is a shoe in! Faber..could you see Denmark from up there? A
  13. Dont it or not he is putting the 38 and slider on in the AM. Lucky for him its a downhill hike to the 950 E. Lazy Bastard! A
  14. Dont need a SAT phone every weekend? Just rent it. There has beena time or two I would have paid a hell of a lot more that than the 39.95 it costs to rent one for a weekend!
  15. Congratulations! Cya at exit somewhere sometime! A
  16. Да! Вы сделали превосходный Chadovich! Я столь горжусь Вами! Alanchik Edited to add: I guess it doesn't like cyrillic symbols (Russian ) A
  17. Your Russian is getting pretty good Chadovich!
  18. God damn cats!! Kill em all! Or better yet use em for WDI from 900'! Dont tell my wife where the cat went...I said the window was left open! A
  19. Yep thats including the wingsuitable talus...but dont worry, Im working on getting a Sherman Tank to blow that fucker out of the way! A
  20. The one you been wanting real bad? I guess I would have to find some .....WORK to do down in the Hell Yeah! Im going with Batman and Black Death Bill to the 2000' wall in the AM. This is getting to be a busy week! Guess I'll sleep when Im dead Call me after 6AM Later Al
  21. *** Congrats to you too John Doe! Hmmm...we both got our B's, is that why you wanted to exit first? First off I would like to say it was an honor to complete B.A.S.E. the same time as you. As far as going first...I guess Im just used to being the WDI so any other way would seem right. Besides I love to here my wife complain about "Vhy do you always go first? Vhy cant someone else be the Vind Test Dummy?" I cant type the Russian accent very well, but if I could you guys would crack up too! Psst....Katie....That was so much fun lets go hit it again next week. You first of course! Alan
  22. Nah...we got Black Death Bill and his Jet Ranger Chopper to haul his lazy ass to exit point! Hope he can hang on to the skid though... A
  23. I would say it was pretty god damn sweet! Thanks to you Dexter I was the lucky guy to be exiting with her getting my B too! Great to be had by all in B town tonite. Big thanks to Batman for makin it happen for us and it was great to share the exit with you Katie and Black Death Bill... finally B.A.S.E. at last!! Congrats da woman! A