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jakee last won the day on December 22 2024

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  1. Sounds like you're identifying as a guy who's been having a totally different conversation
  2. That's convenient. After knowing what score Elon got, you've decided that exact score is the low end cut off for being allowed in... with no additional requirements for actual relevant to employment qualifications or expertise. Sounds legit.
  3. Looks like you're telling him what he means instead of asking, and assuming you know better than him what he meant because you think you can see inside his mind.
  4. Who's been watching too much Fox after their bedtime?
  5. The game of saying what you mean? So to be clear - you want me to assume I know what you mean instead of asking? You're saying that's the right way to do things?
  6. But not that specific one? You see that's a patheitc dereliction of duty, don't you? Why did I have to find it for you? No, I ony wanted you to admit you were lying about the earlier 'predictions' you tried to scaremonger with. Since you already have, I'm pretty sure those other ones aren't anywhere near as bad - if they were then you wouldn't have had to lie in the frst place.
  7. In your own mind you are - but only because you made an assumption about what I meant and won;t be told otherwise because you know the inside of my mind better than I do. What would you call someone who thinks like that?
  8. Why would I be trying? Hey - here's an argument for why DEI is a good thing. Why didn't you know about it? Why am I having to do your homework for you? Why were you too lazy and ignorant to look it up on your own? Two hours detention after school and no dessert while you think about how you can do better next time. https://hbr.org/2023/05/how-investing-in-dei-helps-companies-become-more-adaptable
  9. It often does take a smart person to make utter bullshit sound believable, and the information theory argument is certainly bullshit. But hey, it's nice to know that you're happy to let the ivory tower elite tell you what to think.
  10. Oh that's what you meant? Well that's hilariously dumb. Of course I know you identify as one of my betters - it's all part and parcel of your closed minded, narcissistic personality. If you just assume you're better then you don't have to risk actually listening to anything.
  11. Yeah, I assumed that ‘MAGA is coming’ meant that MAGA is coming. Do you disagree? Thing is, no matter how strongly you insist you’re a psychic who knows what I meant better than I do, my point had nothing to do with what he meant, but about the source material for the meme. I mean, did you even think to ask what I meant, or did you just assume because you’re an arrogant hypocrite? I mean come on, do you not think, as an open minded person, that you are doing the 100% exact thing you’re arguing about?
  12. Lol, what? You’re saying I only think that Trump suggesting injecting bleach and shining UV light as a treatment for Covid was incredibly stupid because you think it was an intelligent and insightful suggestion? You’re saying I only picked you up on your made up climate change predictions because it was you that made them up? What was that about narcissism again? Well it’s certainly impossible to argue against that - because it’s meaningless word salad.
  13. I told him what it means in the source material. You assumed I didn’t mean that. Did you jump into my mind and see the information? The sky is indeed blue and Turtle is proving again what a hypocrite he is. All is well with the world.
  14. Yep, when your argument started by trying to tell me I meant to tell someone else what they meant it’s really no surprise that ‘whatever’ is all you have left. Of course, if you had a single shred of intellectual honesty or open mindedness you’d admit that you were doing exactly what you were trying to scold me for… but it’s you.