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  • Home DZ
    South Carolina Skydiving
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Ratings and Rigging

  • AFF
  • Tandem
  • USPA Coach
  • Rigging Back
    Senior Rigger
  1. We are a great drop zone dedicated to both fun jumpers and tandems. We love to jump and would like to get you into the air. You can't beat our prices and our atmosphere. Our staff is friendly and out going. We have the best drop zone in South Carolina. Come check us out.
  2. if you noticed they were also jumping base systems.
  3. Yes. I do mean overnight. during the day and your busy totally understand that.
  4. For piece of mind i always clean up my gear, but every DZ has those people that always leave their gear laying out. packed, unpacked, whatever. What are your thoughts or concerns about this.
  5. hey man be nice when talking about the staff please, you guys call me often when your loft needs parts for rigging. Rag on skyride if you like but I thought us (as people) were on better terms, let me know if this has changed. As for asking questions, shouldn't you ask some one above you for advice, Mike G is a master rigger. sorry this reply was from page 2 comment, again sorry just caught up.
  6. what area are you from. we can handle big boys here in georgia. AFF and tandem.
  7. my two cents. Our reserves are rated for 500 lbs. that is TI/ passanger and gear. And yes i have maxed that out. We do not charge extra for weight but god do i wish we did. What is the differance. Both my shoulders are in almost constant pain. I have 1000+ tandems in about 13 months. The extra weight just makes our job hard. Flaring for landing, we are basically doing a 500 pound chin-up. And yes out of shape is way different from some one who works out.
  8. Cash is cash, if you put it on account you should be able to take it off. meaning you show up, you give them $100 you should be able later that day to get money back that day. now if you wait three days later, the DZ might not have it any longer. money was deposited. I can see that issue. some places will hold a card and charge it at the end of day. I see that being fine to. how easy would it be for some one jumping all day then leaving....holding a card will make sure they cash out prior to leaving.
  9. Hey if nothing else it told me that a DZ that I had visited and thought was awsome was looking for a TM. Hey that guy could be me....I rarely look at the classifieds. thanks...whomever.
  10. bought a new rig just to have one. 1st use under a sigma tandem. its a little harder to get to the handles under a tandem. reserve was open before I even got to my reserve handle. 2nd under sport rig. spinning line. again skyhook beat me to reserve pull. only down side on that one had a half twist on my reserve due to being on my back during cut-away. also another up side. the freebag is supposed to stay attached to the main. 50/50 on that one. although the 2nd edition skyhook is supposed to stay attached more often. something like 90%
  11. Nice fun jumper plane. not great as a tandem machine. give me an otter.
  12. a couple friends of mine finaally pulled offf a down plane mr. bill. it was covered in skydiving april issue, i think. they spent years working it out. awsome....and dangerous. just like most crazy things in our sport.
  13. Not that this has anything to do with your problem, But it does show a lack of organization. I renewed last month, couple weeks later got my new card and just yesterday recieved another leter saying that my membership had lapsed and i should renew. As an instructor i flipped out. i called, everything was sh@t.
  14. Just curious are we mad at skyride or all operations owned by Ben and Cary??