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  • Home DZ
  • First Choice Discipline
  1. Got the video yesterday and it is great. And everybody on the jump does have a speaking part.
  2. "I know what I'll do is organize this well organized load of high time jumpers and anounce that I am organizing. I'll have a wonderful time and the dropzone will carry me again. It's not that they need the money or anything." Most people that get a slot are hard working folks and don't get to use their slot as much as we would like. Keep up the good work.
  3. Has anyone seen the First Flight video from Karen Wood? I heard a rough version was shown at CSS a couple of weeks ago. Has she put it into publication yet? touch someone today
  4. I have someone asking for an electronic copy of a photo I took. What would you charge for it? Should I sell it in that form, knowing in this day and age they can take a picture and have it duplicated as many times as they want? touch someone today