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Everything posted by Jarcie

  1. Malfunction, in case you're wondering, Broadway & Columbus is in North Beach, home to a lot of strip clubs. There are a lot of other things to see in North Beach, too. I lived there for 3 years, and the neighborhood is pretty cool.
  2. Seriously, the SF Bay Area is great! Now Concord? It's suburbia. You may as well be in any suburb anywhere in the country. (Um, no offense intended to anyone from Concord...) Alcatraz is easy to do, but it's very touristy. They offer night tours, which are a bit more comprehensive than the day tours. It's a good idea to get your Alcatraz tickets in advance, since they sell out quickly, even at this time of year. If you do a tour of Alcatraz, you'll also see the GG Bridge on the ferry ride, but I'd highly recommend walking across the bridge. It feels great, and you'll get great pictures. A word or warning: Don't plan on getting out of Concord without driving (although they do have a BART station), and don't plan on parking without paying once in SF. I hope you enjoy your trip!
  3. Try this: (1) Photoshop crop the image to 65x75 pixels. (2) Save for Web -- you can adjust it so that the quality is as high as possible, and it's still under 10K. Happy new avatar!
  4. Vinny, you even look happy when you're hung over! How do you do it?
  5. Could you allow multiple answers? At least three apply for me. So I guess I should just vote three times...
  6. Yeah, sometimes we take for granted things we already know... Lesson learned.
  7. Excellent, thanks, Sheenster! I just fixed it...
  8. This may be what you're looking for... http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=789330
  9. Condolences to his friends and family. Peace...
  10. First skydive, and starting AFF...
  11. Jarcie

    Good Bye kat69

    I never really got to know her, but I saw her posts while I was lurking. I'm so sorry she's gone. She seemed like a vibrant and positive person. Condolences to her friends and family. And peace...
  12. Hey, Lori, just wanted to send you serious props for what you're doing! Lots of support coming your way from NorCal...
  13. Thanks, everyone, for your kind greetings and encouragement! Lori, I read your post, and you go girl!
  14. Now I'm really curious to know what you said, Andy. I'll ask you when I see you... Now back to How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
  15. Sean, I'm sorry this is happening so close to where you live! Is your neighbor going to be OK? I'm sending you good vibes for a safe holiday season, with minimal anxiety. I hope they catch this guy soon!
  16. Yikes! Seb knows I'm here. OK, I guess I'd better behave... Seriously, thanks! And I'll be there again. Next weekend, in fact. If I don't see you (Eloy boogie?), I'm sure I'll see you there soon! And thanks, Sean. I liked hearing about your experiences. Interesting that you feel better when the door opens. It was the opposite for me...
  17. I had one pet: a guinea pig named Cinnamon. I got her when I was nine or 10, and I started a trend: My sister and brother each got a guinea pig after that. Guinea pigs are really very funny and sweet. I still have a soft spot for rodents.
  18. Hi, I'm Jennifer, and I'm new to skydiving... I did my first jump (a tandem) in October, and two weeks later started AFF. I'm now on level 5. I spent the last two weeks deciding whether or not I would stick with it, but skydiving is what I think about most of the time now, so here goes... Anyway, I've been lurking for a while, and Sangiro's announcement about the new database made me think it was time to register. I've really enjoyed reading this site, and I look forward to getting to know some of you. Happy holidays, and thanks for reading this! Jennifer