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    Cypres 2

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    anything tall enough
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  1. back in 98 when i did my first tandem. i was actually sat down by my co and told not to do any more of what the airforce considered high risk activities, and if i didnt listen that he would have me up on charges. for the record back then the airforce had 36 high risk activities. base wasnt listed but waterskiing and atv driving was. it was up to the descretion of the squadron commander to grant permision to participate in these events.
  2. despinato


    hey vid your hitting a little close to home arent you. not all firefighters get away with everything. usually just traffic violations. dont even try to pull the firefighter badge/card with the nps cause they dont even care.
  3. are you so bored as to look into local sunset times and yell at naughty base jumpers. you need to heal soon so we can go jump off an a ourselves. its getting lonely doing solo climbs. oh and yes i am bored at work. that is why im writing. my thought is maybe they should bring the farmer beer ahead of time like we do so they know were friendly and not out to steel anything. well now that i think of it we just have a cool farmer.
  4. vid thanks for clearing it up i finnally got to a computer today. as for the pc it was resting and all extra bridal was double wraped with a medium rubberband. after launch in the pics you can actually see that the pc is in the air (due to the bridal being rubber banded) and clear upon extraction of the canopy. the branches in the area break at about 5lbs of pressure and the static cord at 80lbs so even if it did get hung up i dont believe it would have caused an off heading. as for my opening it was on heading and the landing was nice. thanks all for your support. even for the constructive critisism it only makes this sport safer. oh and once again vid thanks for the pics and the good times. oh and bad boy for the McConkey. although it was on heading and i dont think you had to worry about a pc snag.
  5. despinato


    Nsemn8tr, congrats on your "B" friday night (3/24/06 8:00p.m.). Also congrats on finishing B.A.S.E. now all you have to do is put in for your number. mike congrats to you also on your "B" right before nsemn8r. Aaron
  6. i dont post here much but this is something i feel pretty close too. as a firefighter i have been on a couple of incidents which involved friends. i was off duty but more than happy to help. also this was a chance to keep up my trama skills. i hate seeing people injured either by stupidity (more the general public) or by accidents beyond thier control (murrphys law). although when it does happen in front of me im more than happy to help. the thing is as a firefighter i do regular training to meet our monthly requirements. which are just the minimum required. most of the time though im just sitting around the station waiting for something to happen. so if something happens or not the general public still pays for our services. buricrats dont realize this. when we have a call we add up all the fuel and equiptment used (such as splints, ivs, and so on), how many people were on duty and thier pay during the time spent on scene. we calculate all of this up and get a number. the only cost the injured causes is the replacement of equiptment. not the whole $100,000 in this incident. also i hope that if i ever have an accident that the public services would be more than happy to help me as i have others. they have the know how, and a duty to act since they are on duty getting paid by us with our taxes. in turn i have spent more than enough tax dollars on buricrats like this that shovel thier snow when they have a known heart condition. one of which prior to passing away was bragging to friends that he hadnt taken his heart medication in over a week and was feeling fine. whose high blood pressure cause a aortic anurism while playing basketball. one more thing that someone brought up with the 2 inch ice comment. i cannot tell you how much the coast guard here in detroit has spent saving ice fisherman traped on ice floats becouse they drove thier snowmobile on the ice then the ice broke. they have all the money to buy the equiptment but no common sense to realize the ice was melting. at least we check the weather and calculate our risks. not to mention most of us wear safty pads and other gear such as good boots. while these ice fisherman go out in the ice with only a coat on. not the $600 anti-hypothermia suits we put on to save thier foolish behinds. i have no trouble with them ice fishing. but they should better calculate thier risks and check the weather better. like i and my fellow base jumpers do. in final im sorry to rant so much just thought since the editor didnt bother researching the subject i just thought i would give the opinion of a public servant.
  7. yes thats the one im talking about ill make sure to say hi and thanks all for your help
  8. thanks. for the info
  9. looking for a girl named george from canada that i met at BD. We have jumped in WV and FL. im planning a trip to canada where she is from and would like to get in contact.
  10. im looking for a female jumper. her name is george. i have no way of getting a hold of her and we are going on a trip to her area hoping she can show some of the local objects. she lives in ontario CA feel free to im me
  11. despinato


    after about 100 jumps my skydial broke. not to mention that you can barely hear the audibles due to the external mounting. to top it off the helmet cracks from taking it on and off. i would recomend you buy a different helmet if you are looking for an Nvertigo.