Absolutely! Helmets should be worn on each and every BASE jump. Maybe the chances of a head strike are slim, but saving only one life will be worth it. (The chances of a 38" pilot chute failing are slim, but 42's are still required.) The arguement that lots of skydiving gear is used at Bridge Day is actually a wake up call, that use of skydiving gear should only be allowed if it is your first BASE jump, other than that, BASE gear should be required at Bridge Day. (That is, if anyone is making a return trip to NRGB for Bridge Day, they should have BASE specific gear. This will help the sport in a few ways, it will help validate the BASE gear, remember Jean Boenish did not want to allow BASE gear, it will get newer BASE jumpers up to speed with BASE gear, and it will help support the BASE gear manufacturers.) Also, if Bridge Day is a skydivers first BASE jump, that is the perfect opportunity to start their proper training, with proper gear, like body armor, helmet included. If you land in the water at Bridge Day, the first rule to follow is cut away your canopy, so there should be no safety issue there, the next thing that happens, is you are yanked into a boat, those guys are very good at what they do, the next thing the jumper will have to do is remove the helmet if it is a problem. Bridge Day should require the helmet rule.