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  1. What this comes down to is the student must chalk this up to a learning experience. I will have to take your words for what they are because I actually know nothing about skydiving. I have never attempted to skydive a day in my life and frankly it scares me to death. You all are probably making very valid points and have learned by doing. Me on the other hand I have just been an outsider looking in. How many of you did I actually have fooled? If anyone decides to jump out of a perfectly good plane just for fun they must assess all of the risks that come with the responsiblity of deciding to do this. I understand that they must rely on instructors to direct them during this adventure, but come on when a worse case seniro is death, you should be greatful just to back up. I think that it is great how some of you were debating the facts with me when I don't know any facts at all concerning this sport. I think that a select few of you should take the time to read the posts and make an educated guess on who actually knows what they are talking about before you take the time out of what I will assume is your busy day. In order to avoid all dangerous situations you must live in a bubble. Be prepared for anything that mother nature, a friend or an enemy can throw in your direction. Don't step off of the curb to soon, don't cross a busy street or highway and please don't run with sciccors. Live Everyday to its fullest. Sorry for tricking some of you and for the ones who knew that I had no clue what I was talking about, Good for you. Leah
  2. Did you actually read the post? When canopycudler stated that the winds were 20mph she was refering to Sunday (01/11/04) of this past weekend. She stated the the same student who started this whole debate, came back to archway and wanted to jump on a day when the winds were at 20mph. The students initial post was about a month ago so the fact that the winds were 20 mph on Sunday has no baring on your opinions or this post. You are completely correct in saying that a for a student to be backing up is unsafe. Nobody is denying this but in stating that it is the fault of the instructor (I believe) is debatable. If you are saying that it is the fault of the instructor or drop zone then I guess if you go to driving school and have an accident it is the fault of your driving instructor. Some responsibility must be taken by all the parties and I do not know anyone who can honestly guarantee that something like this won't happen. Be prepared for any and all situations, student or not.
  3. I think that canopycudler is completely justified in making her initial post. I have never even jumped at archway but I think that you are missing the point. The assumption that the winds were in excess of 20mph is just that an assumption and is completely without all of the facts. Have you ever found that you have been under canopy and the winds pick up? Maybe this was the case. Have you ever caught terbulance in 14mph winds? Maybe this was the case. I could continue this all day but I won't because I got some jumping to do. You all know the maybe factors that could have caused this situation to happen. So with that farewell. Blue Skies and Downwind Landings Leah