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Everything posted by nbblood

  1. Good Stuff and More Good Stuff by Joe Jennings. Anything by Norman Kent. Flyboyz Film Festival compilations are cool too. Worthless Eye Candy. There's tons of em. These are just what came to mind quick. Take your pick. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  2. Well, the power has been out here 6 times already. Wind is blowing pretty hard and it's been raining good for about 3 hours now. Thing is, I know we haven't even come close to seeing the worst yet. I'm just glad I'm as far inland as I am. Feel like I got a bullseye on my back for this one. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  3. Thanks, brother. That makes me feel better. You be safe too. See you soon. That sounds like a fine idea. How about Columbus Day Weekend in October? Maybe a little soon, but we'll see how things pan out. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  4. I left a couple rigs in the packing room for repacks. I talked to Dave (packer) and he's gonna take them up north with his stuff and bring them back when the dust settles. I just hope he doesn't forget. But if you see my blue Javelin and the black and red Mirage laying around please help me out. There's no way I can get there before this goes down. Hope all goes well out there. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  5. I have changed a couple drawstrings in Z1s using a power tool. I replaced the elastic with closing loop material and it works much better and lasts longer. Just thread it through the loop on the power tool and work it through. It takes 5 minutes.....maybe. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  6. I voted $20 cause that's a standard ticket to 14K at Spaceland, but they still have 100 jump blocks available for $1800 that makes it $18. Also 6th and 10th jump in a day are free. So if you make 6 jumps the cost is $15 and if you make 10 in a day, $14.40, assuming you buy the 100 jump block. I can't complain about that at all. Also, the DZO expressed this weekend that he does not want to raise prices. Obviously, with gas the way it is he can't make any promises, but he's held so far. And this right after he put in a new, surely expensive, paved runway. He's sucking it up for the fun jumpers right now and I, for one, appreciate it. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  7. I thought these ones were pretty good. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  8. That's awesome. Good job Danno. I know I'd really appreciate it if it were mine. Refreshing to see people do the right thing. Hats off. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  9. I have a Javelin J3 with a Sabre2 150 in it. It fits just fine. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  10. I had a Neptune and a Pro-Dytter, but I've been through 4 Neptunes now and I'm tired of sending them back. So after the last one went down, I bought a Pro-Track and use it with the Pro-Dytter. One of my helmets only holds one. I just use the Pro-Track for it. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  11. No Microns, but here's my Javelins. One's an Odyssey and one a "regular" Javelin. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  12. nbblood


    I think you need to establish some criteria. Like whatever is ahead at 100 votes is the decision. And if it's a tie at that point, the next vote is the tie-breaker. Otherwise, this could go on forever and is just another thread to promote an endless cause. How about drawing the line somewhere? Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  13. I have used both. The Neptune is easier to use and has more options, including the ability to be a visual altimeter. However, I have been through four of them. I think the last one lasted a little over a hundred jumps. Although, Alti II has terrific customer service and I've had no problem replacing broken units, I quite simply have had evough of that. So after the last breakdown, I bought a Pro-Track and that's what I use now. Also a very good unit though it is more complicated to use and not as many options. I know other people have used Neptunes with no problems. Maybe I am just jinxed. Whatever. I've got one cheap if you want to send it in and get it replaced. I haven't bothered this time. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  14. I work in the department of redundancy department. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  15. Shame on you! Turn around now and return to the dark side! You are slipping. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  16. Exactly what good is your reserve when you realize you're on the wrong canopy at landing time? By your rationale they might as well get themselves a Velo 79.....after all their life only depends on their reserve.....right? Your life may very well depend on your main canopy selection. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  17. Yes. All other things being equal, i.e., same size group, same type of jump, same opening altitude, etc., I compare wingloadings. If I know somebody in that situation has a higher wingloading than me I'll let them out first. If I know I'm higher I'll try to get out first. Helps sort things out in the landing pattern starting from the exit. Of course it isn't always that simple because two jumpers may be doing a jump, one with a high WL and one with a low WL, or any mix among a larger group, but it is something to consider. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  18. 0:22:1 20 freefly jumps and a couple tracking dives to end the days. 1 case for number 500. All in all, an awesome weekend at Spaceland, although I never would've thought that mud-bogging and skydiving would be a combined sport! I guess the otters have 3 wheel drive. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  19. I have been to a few DZs that have stricter requirements than the SIM. Is it possible that the DZ in question has a policy that modifies the guidelines for when a particular license holder is required to pull? Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  20. SGLI relies heavily on line of duty investigations to validate claims. Therefore, you must be considered within the guidelines of line of duty or they may not pay. Under normal circumstances it would not be a problem. But say you were skydiving while you were AWOL or in violation of a pass policy (i.e., outside the mileage radius allowed without proper pass form), it could be ruled not line of duty. My point is, make sure you take the time to get appropriate documentation if necessary. My unit's pass policy is outside a 100 mile radius you must have a valid approved pass form. The DZ is more than 100 miles, so every time I go, I need to get a pass approved. Don't get caught short on something as easy as that. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  21. I have no freakin' clue and I don't care. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  22. 3:24:2 I had an awesome weekend. 1 case for first jump at Spaceland and one for being on the losing end of a 10-way speed star competition. Lots of great freefly jumps including 2 with Trent from Anomaly. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  23. I voted for Pro-Track because of my experience with Neptune. I am currently on my fourth one, which finally made it to 100 jumps, for reasons including bad screen, audible not functioning, and one that went totally haywire because the device that measures barometric pressure went bad. However, as LouDiamond says, my experience with Alti-2's customer service has been completely positive. They have been extremely responsive and helpful in replacing the units I had go bad. Maybe I've finally got one that will last, but I'm somewhat skeptical still. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  24. I'm coming to rescue you soon. Return to the dark side. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.
  25. I had a local tailor alter a tony suit, adding about 2 inches of spandex down the side of the torso to give it a little more room. Worked out just fine, but I think letting Tony Suits do it is a better option. Blues, Nathan Blues, Nathan If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.