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Everything posted by BASE864

  1. Didn't think about it that way - but I thought it was cool to have the Parachutist in my mail box when I got home after just seeing Her a week and a half ago when sailing out of NYC on the Crown Princess. Later, BASE864
  2. BASE864

    Baby Donkey

    Congratulations Donk and Cali - especially to Cali for all her hard work. Fatherhood is something that can't be explained. But the moment your son (or daughter) appears, you can finally understand how we all feel. Later, BASE864
  3. Well said Donk and I couldn't agree more. Later, BASE864
  4. Andrew - not that it's anyone's business, but does my 6 month medical hiatus from jumping have anything to do with your comment? There was a reason I missed the greatest skydiving boogie of the year. I also won't excuse the fact that my "laid-back roll" means that I have other obligations besides jumping all the time. If you never have to juggle a career, mortgage, family, and other duties, then good for you. Later, BASE864
  5. Patience young Andrew - only then will you learn the secrets of the Dark Side. You're getting ready to make the first step - Bridge Day. However, you will need to make a bigger step - and that is to buy gear. Bridge Day will be a great opportunity to find something that suits your needs and see if BASE is your thing. Keep skydiving all you can and keeping working on your accuracy. Those skills are invaluable. As for BASE in Kansas - it's available. However, it's not avalable to a newbie skydiver with no BASE experience or even gear. You have to put in your time and prove that you are worthy. If you don't take to heart anything else that was said here - just remember this - DON'T STRIKE OUT ON YOUR OWN. You're only asking for trouble if you do. We're here to help you - just be patient. Ask in person.... Later, BASE864
  6. I have posted a memorial video of Dave on Click here Later, BASE864
  7. I badly shattered my femur doing a silly hook turn. I didn't make another skydive until 14 months later. I was non-weight bearing for about 2 months - but that was too soon as I ended up breaking the two bottom screws that held the Ti rod and had to have them replaced. I also had to have bone graft as the bone wasn't healing. Eventaully all healed up and I am jumping again. I had the rod removed 2.5 years after the inital injury and haven't had any problems since with the leg. But now - I've just got blood clots in the same leg and in my lungs - so I'm done jumping again while on blood thinners (caumadin) for 6 months. Later, BASE864
  8. I guess I can find some bells and ride up with you. Since I can't jump now, my DDZ should be real cheap. Maybe I'll just pack the entire time and make the boogie even cheaper! Can't wait to see all the ol' faces. And maybe I'll even have to find some Tigger wear. Later, BASE864
  9. Dave, I'm going to miss our big-boy freefly jumps. I looked forward to jumping with you at the many boogies we found ourselves at. Pat and I will always have room for you on our big-boy loads. We will all miss your kind heart and big smile. My thoughts and prayers go out to the rest of those that perished in this terrible crash. Fly free our brother. Later, BASE864
  10. shattered right femur (skydiving - stupid hook turn) cracked tailbone (base jump) and proud to say nothing from a motorcycle in 15 years of riding.... Later, BASE864
  11. I wore the plain style one while jumping in Moab in July. Didn't have any problems - but then the bladder wasn't clear full either. I just put my rig on over it, and did a thorough gear check to make sure everything was clear. Later, BASE864
  12. Seems that this thread has done the same as the new DZ will - prompted several older KC skydivers to pull their rigs out of their closet and dust them off... Good to see a few of those people taking an interest and posting here.... And as for affanimal's post - knowing Mr. Cowen and Mr. Wolford - I doubt they'll have anything to worry about as they both run great DZ's and don't fear the competition. Later, BASE864
  13. Jumped for a couple of years with titanium in my right femur, then got it all pulled out 'cause my orthopedic doctor said that would be best since I wouldn't stop jumping. Even made a couple of jumps at Bridge Day with the titanium. I played it up one year and was Captian Titanium for halloweeen. Now I keep the rod in my gear bag and beat on other jumpers that choose to get the in the corner on their landings. Later, BASE864
  14. Do BASE jumps count? Otherwise 2 in 800 jumps - 1 due to lousy packing and 1 from a totally shredded mini-riser (all three rings and even the gromet were torn off). Thank the good Lord I didn't have an RSL! Later, BASE864
  15. Right on Spdoat - you got it figured out! This thread is just plain silly. Shows all of us that several of you have nothing better to do than complain about something you have little control over. When it comes right down to it, it doesn't matter what the FACTS are, who likes who's oppinon and who think who's ethical or not. All that matters is a new DZ is scheduled to open. I'll be there and I'll see if their service is worth my hard earned money. You all can bitch at each other all you want about the situation. The reality is that myself and many other jumpers don't like the other KC DZ's silly rules & politics and we won't give them our money. I'll go to this new DZ, and see what their vibe is and if I don't like their vibe or their rules, I won't go back. Chances are others won't either. If the new place is better than the other KC DZ's - then guess what? Competition rules and come what may to the other DZ's. How hard does it have to be to understand this? We vote with our wallets. Later, BASE864
  16. If memory serves me correctly, Mr. Dolphin reacted in a similar matter when a DZ was propsed in Kearney, MO. He hasn't changed a bit. Too bad - he has such a nice place. It's a shame he has to show his true colors and force the KC skydiving crowd to vote with their wallet. I wouldn't jump at his place if he paid me to. Edit to add: I can't wait for the new DZ to open - I'll check it out and see if it's worth spending my money there. Everyone in KC knows a new DZ is needed to flush out those nasty politics and give the other DZ's a run with some friendly competition. Later, BASE864
  17. QuoteAre you drunk again?Quote He must have some of that 'cough syrup' left that someone gave him later on that night after the stike. Later, BASE864
  18. was it at the same wingloading ?? the difference is huge indeed. Wing loading was the same for both jumps although they were done some time apart. I didn't lose/gain any weight and wore the same gear in each jump. The first jump (unvented) is when I busted my tailbone. Thank goodness for those inflatable doughnuts! and you are how big? or..what is your WL on the 322? I will not post my weight or wingloading in the public forum - don't care to get flamed. If you want to discuss it via PM, then I'd be happy to. For the few that know me, they know my statement is truthful. Later, BASE864
  19. So far, I am the biggest jumper to post on this subject. I currently jump a vented FLiK 322. It does well for me - better than my Mojo 280 did. I found the Mojo 280 was loaded up so high that it was very sensitive to body position on opening. Anything less than a perfect body position and I was off heading. This is not the case with my FLiK 322. If you are jumping lower objects - get a vented canopy. I found it makes a huge difference on low objects, as the canopy will pressurize faster and thus get flying faster. This will give you a better flare. I originally bought the FLik unvented and it didn't do so well on low jumps (sub-300). I cracked my tailbone on a low jump because the canopy didn't have enough time to get flying before it was time to flare. ([URL ""]Click here[/url] for a vented vs. nonvented video comparison.) I feel that the FLiK lands me well given my size. I land hard sometimes and that is par for the course, so I am prepared for it (i.e. PLF). However, I wouldn't jump it in a place that would require me to fly in deep brakes for landing as the flare would be on-existent and I would just pound in. I prefer to fly it in as little brakes as I can so that I can get some flare out of it. I have jumped a larger canopy and it landed wonderful - even with just rear risers. But, there's a reason tandem masters like their passengers to help them steer and flare. On a canopy that big, I didn't have the strength to fly it in deep brakes very long and toggle pressure was very high. But, it did land me great. This is something the canopy designers will have to work on. Also know that, generally, the bigger the canopy, the longer it takes to get open and flying (i.e. pressurized and creating lift). And your PC sizes will most likely be a size bigger than you smaller buddy’s. What this means to you is that when your 160 lb buddy freefalls a 210' object jumping his 220’ canopy, you probably should not. I won't even consider freefalling below 250' just because it takes longer for my canopy to get open with full pressurization. As for the PC, when your buddy is using is 38" off an object - you might need a 42" because you have all that extra fabric and weight to get off your back. The gear manufacturers can tell you exactly what size PC you need for you canopy at a given delay - so don't quote me. You're doing the right thing - asking other big jumpers about their experiences and opinions. Check with the various gear manufacturers too. They make the big gear and know the details about jumping it and how it differs from the smaller gear. Later, BASE864
  20. BASE864

    Turkey Jumps

    I was able to get one very high jump and one very low jump in Moab on Turkey Day. The weather was awesome until Sat. when the winds come up and that nasty storm hit the Rockies and Central Plains. I guess getting stuck in Vail on my way home isn't such a bad thing. Later, BASE864
  21. I use 4 large and 5 small Craftsman clamps, a pull-up cord and either a Triax T-Stake or 20lb dumbbell, depending on the surface on which I'm packing. Tree is right - they're not necessary, but if it eleminates gear fear (which it does for me), then use them. I will say that my no-clamp pack jobs are very ugly and have only been tested at Bridge Day. Later, BASE864
  22. I enjoy both skydiving and BASE. Although I don't skydive often, heading to the local DZ with my wife (who skydives but doesn't BASE) or turbine chasing is fun. I really enjoy freeflying with the other big boys in the Midwest. I've noticed lately that I have less and less patients for sitting in a 182 and mostly just do hop-n-pops and save the freeflying for the turbines. (FYI - turbins are very hard to come by in the midwest where I jump.) I also enjoy BASE, and find the big events espeically fun and have a great time attending them. I feel BASE jumping has giving me a slightly different view of skydiving. Basically - that skydiving is easy and relatively safe. And I love a sub-10 minute pack job when at the DZ. Of course lately, I'm more of a wuffo than a skydiver/BASE jumper due to a mortgage and a little one running around the house. Later, BASE864
  23. The BASE community lost a brother - Waldo Morales, a.k.a Tigger See the thread in the Bonfire. Click Here Fly free bother Tigger. Later, BASE864
  24. Our prayers and condolences go out to Tigger's family and friends. Tigger, I always looked forward to seeing you at the Dollar Daze Couch Freaks boogie and at Bridge Day. You were great fun to freefly with and a good coach. We had a great time partying with you at Bridge Day this year. You touched so many lives. Thank you. I hope you continue on.... Tigger, you will be missed my brother. Fly free and God speed. Later, BASE864