To do the first one, you might or might not benifiet from reading up on binary numbers, you don't have to know but it helps.
The 2nd one, i think I actually hurt myself by putting it in binary, just look at the rover picture and you will see it.
I know this is probably stupid, but to get a decimal value for a binary matrix, for example the first letter, would you just write it out 100100 and have a value of 36 or ? Sorry for the dumb math question.
Hopefully after the pass tonight then we can get some better pictures. I am trying to debate whether I should even look at trying to hack on that first string of code, or if I should wait for updated pictures.
and also after much zooming and analysis done by someone other than me (Thanks X-Scale)
I believe that is what the code is this time
I also believe that the image currently up there is from Spirit and not opportunity yet, but here is a link 2 the opportunity Disc:
For all those that had fun decoding Spirit's message, there is now a 2nd message up, that is different, on Opportunity.
Can someone post what they have for the letter V? I pretty much have every letter done, but my V and K are comming out as l-llll--- and |-||||--| which just doesn't seem right, those seem exceedingly large....
But they work, so hey...