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Everything posted by andrewlovemore

  1. We are looking for 3rd team mate for a freefly team (UK) the team is Andy Lovemore and Marcus Goodsell. We plan to do 200 jumps pre uk nationals training at Skydive Spain. Do you have the skills time and money. See our first 20 training jumps on Contact
  2. Hi there I am Eve's Father, yes father of the 2 year old who flew in the tunnel this morning on Morning Glory, Channel 4. I would just like to mention that Eve has flown in Airkix twice, prior to this morning, and loved it. We have plenty of pictures with happy smiles etc, which anyone who watched the end of the show would have seen. We were up at 4am this morning and she was a little tired and as any parent will know, kids will always play up when you least expect it. It wasn't the tunnel she was unhappy about it was the pressure of live TV. I know my daughter and trust me she is fine, 3 mins before we were due to go live she decided to have a tantrum about not wanting to put the goggles on. Are you suggesting that we dont be adventurous with promoting tunnel just in case something goes wrong? I dont think the presenter did me any favours in the good father category, but then would that be good TV? Personally i think any advertising is good advertising Airkix in Milton Keynes rocks! One two year old's tantrum is not going to stop people flying there.