Sometime in 1983 Mirror Image was training at Otay out of the Arava. My pal Kim and I had roadtripped from Bozeman, MT to Perris - then continued on to Otay after hearing that they were looking for people to fill the plane during Mirror Image training loads. After we were there a day or two, the owner of the Arava pulled the plug on jumping and suddenly it was leaving the DZ...but not before one kick-ass flyby:
After the pilot took off and was looping around to buzz us, all who'd been jumping, including most of Mirror Image, lined the runway and dropped trou'. To this day I can remember looking between my legs, seeing that twin turbined football low enough to kick up dust and bearing down on a row of moons (including mine). It took every thing I had to 'hold position' as the turbines screamed over us. I know there were people taking pictures of this great event. If you know of a copy floating around - please let me know!!
- Dave S.