Hi every1,
Ive always wanted to jump. But never had the guts, Then I met my g/f. and shes always wanted to jump. Well its her B-day the 1st week of March and Im surprising her with it.
But where to? I live in Miami, Florida. Ive heard of several places, W.Palm Beach, Keys, Okochobee but where to?
The nerves set in a little so I started thinking about safety. as in which of those 3 spots has a better safety record, but realistically is that something to take into account. i mean, if a place is unsafe, Im sure word would get around and everyone would jump on them for tainting the sport right? In other words, safety is a given right?
I have a lot of questions and I would really appreciate the replies.
The biggest question is where to do it. Taking into account safety and professionalism of the place.
I really have my eyes set on the one in the Keys because she loves the keys. So I know she would love to see the keys from up above.