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  1. I did my first tandem, all of my AFF training, all of my A license proficiency card, and every coach and fun jump to this date at ASC. I think that this is an incredible DZ, and that I am truly spoiled to have the opportunity to jump there every weekend. The instructors are so friendly, safe, and informative for all students at all levels. I have seen nothing but smiles on every student, whether it be a tandem or an AFF jump.(Including myself not to long ago) Any jumper who has to rent gear will also be absolutely pleased about ASC. All rentals are mostly brand new top notch Mirages. There is lots of rigs with different canopy sizes to rent. Most of the canopys that are available to rent are mostly newer PD's. I even bought my gear through them.(Which was planned on going in to rotation for rental) The rigging loft is unbelievable with customer courtesy, and very very professional. The packing area is all indoor and climate controlled. The facilities are pretty amazing. I have only had to jump out of the cessna once, and it was on a weekday with bad weather. The rest of the time it has always been out of the otter at 14K. Jump run is always on target. The landing area is smaller than most DZ's. The upside to that is that everywhere else seems huge!! It does have lots of outs and there is a really nice swoop pond right next to the landing area. I have read alot of complaints about the aggressiveness of some of the canopy pilots at ASC and there abilities. There is a lot of high performance landings that occur at ASC. In my opinion I see nothing unsafe about anything that I have witnessed. It is always entertaining and exciting to watch. The freefly scene is amazing here. The coaching is world class and inexpensive. Everyone is incredibly friendly and it is always fun hanging out after the sunset load. All-in-all, I love this place and could never imagine making any other DZ my home.