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Everything posted by Tinkerbelle

  1. I have trouble with this one 'cause the one true love in my life, Shawn Gloyer, the pilot of the King Air in Hawaii, died and left me broken hearted. I have tried to love since, but no one will ever compare to my Shawn. So having loved him essentially left me a widow at 30, and ensured I would never be as happy with another man. I still talk about him all the time, which drives the men I have loved since crazy, 'cause they just can't compete with a dead guy. No one will ever measure up, so whomever I am with will never be as good as the true love of my life. And I will always wish I was with my Shawn instead. I also loved a couple men before Shawn, but lost track of them while pursuing my education. They have both since gotten married and had kids, so I can't have them either. Had I never been in love, I wouldn't know what I was missing so I would still be happy with my little black book I had in college, always feeling that a boyfriend was just a waste of time and got in the way of my exploring life 'cause not as many doors open for a guy and a girl as easily as they open for just a single girl. I used to be happy alone, now I pine for my lost loves. All that other stuff sounds great, but I honestly think I would have been better off had I not experienced the exstacy of true love 'cause now I wouldn't miss it so much! Tink Rehab is for quitters.
  2. "Geesh, i take the afternoon off to go jumping and my name gets brought up in a trimming thread... Anyhoo, shave the nads!! About 3/4-1/2 inch growth is acceptable....i can definately work with that. Getting hair wrapped around my tongue ring would be icky though... " This is one of your quotes my dear miss pot calling us kettles black. Ha ha! Just havin' a little fun! Please don't be offended. There's a whole industry of pretty smelling douche makers who spend their entire lives pondering this very question! I myself prefer the pretty aroma of the Fresh Mountain Breeze. But you have to be careful using it too much or you'll screw up your ph! I learned that frm a guy at a DZ! Amazing all the cool shit you learn at the DZ! Tink Rehab is for quitters.
  3. I got a really cool one of vintage flying boats which was my fiancee Shawn's favorite thing. It was silk combo and about 80$. You can get a cheap one at Wallmart though. Tinkerbelle Rehab is for quitters.
  4. I heard a really funny, big, black lady comedian the other day say that she was an underwear model once. She said they gave her a bag with a thong in it, but there were no directions in the bag. So when she came out they were all agast! No one had told her that the thin little string part went in the back! Ha Ha, funny visual! Tink Rehab is for quitters.
  5. Doesn't your mouth area get all red and raw from the 5:00 shadow though? We girls went all through this discussion once, but I still don't believe there is any way to prevent all the little itchy red bumps on all the hair follicles when it starts to grow back. I shaved once, it was really cool for about a day, but then it was sheer torture for a couple days while it grew back in. I like the high and tight, more sensitive to have the underneath skin exposed, but I have gotten complaints about even that being a bit sharp and stickery especially right after trimming 'till it lays flat from clothing Tink Rehab is for quitters.
  6. As far as guys go... If I love the guy I too am attracted to his scent, in every respect. Even the under arm scent is wonderful and is a turn on. But if I am not in love with the guy, it's gross! Rehab is for quitters.
  7. Do you suppose that pussy cat in your avatar read the poll about the preference for a shaved pussy? I saw a really funny card once... it was the cartoon with the long, scrawny cat, maybe hobbs I think, The front of the card was a picture of the tall scrawny cat with his whole top half shaved, there was a tuft on the tip of the tail unshaved. Kitty was sitting there with an electric razon plugged in. The caption inside said, "No! Bad Pussy!" Tinkerbelle Rehab is for quitters.
  8. Since you people seem to like this sort of discussion, is always quite popular....here's a good one... Do guys prefer a little natural girl smell down stairs, or do they prefer it to have no smell, or to have a pretty fregrance like a perfumey douche? Rehab is for quitters.
  9. Is it normal for the long part norally to hang down so much longer than the eggs? Is it more normal for the long part to be about level with them, or even shorter? Just wondering... Rehab is for quitters.
  10. Hi there VanillaSkyGirl, Sorry I wrote a book, but I am just sitting here all alone and lonely at home on a Sunday night, and I have something very important to share! I am very encouraged to hear so many people come out of the woodwork to wish you well, as do I. It always frustrates me to see all the fair weather friends in our skydiving community these days. One example of this that was particularly apparent was when a team guy I know was very badly injured landing his new parachute. His head even struck the ground requiring a shunt to be put into his cranium to bleed off the extra pressure building within his skull. Even though I did not know the guy beyond the occasional greeting in passing at the DZ, and he did have a sweet, doting wife to care for him, I immediately went out and got him a couple potted plants of colorful flowers wrapped in colorful paper with bows that he could later plant in the garden, a card, and a couple big creature balloons to look at and keep him company in his otherwise stark, bleak, lonely hospital room. It was my intent to bring his something festive to make him smile. I guess it worked 'cause while walking around the hospital people asked me where the party was. I didn't stay long but to ask his wife how he was doing, to let him know I cared, and to drop off the mood lifters to cheer him up and give him something to look at besides the barren white walls and all the machinery sticking in him. The next weekend the first thing I asked when I got to the DZ was how he was doing. To my amazement, no one knew, not even his own team mates. None of them had gone to see him or even called him, despite his being in urgent care just 15 minutes from the DZ! I thought, what kind of friends and team mates are those? Completely inconsiderate, selfish, fair weather ones, for sure! Recently another friend of mine, a fairly new jumer, was hurt for the first time. He called me up horrified that even though everyone was his buddy at the DZ as long as he had something to smoke and beer to share, and some had even borrowed large sums of money from him, after he broke his tibia and fibula, he was all alone at home, and no one had even bothered to call to see how he was doing. Up 'till that point he said he had always bragged to non-jumpers about the cameradie among skydivers, that is was like a big, close knit family, about how when you share in such an extreme, life-threatening sport, that it builds a very strong bond among jumpers that surpasses any other you may have with a non-jumper. Yet when he got hurt, not even the DZ owner, who he had expected to at least call once to check on him, seemed to care. He said the only people to call and stop by were his non-jumper buddies. I shared with him my similar experience, and we agreed that it seems our sport is filled with all too many selfish, ego-centric, self-righteous people who tend, for the most part, to just be fair weather friends. Skydiving has become so competitive, it's almost as if these days people care more about the fact that an injured person just leaves them the opportunity to move up in the pecking order or assume that person's slot. There was a not too far fetched joke at the 300-way about how some of the paticipants may be found mysteriously dead off in the bushes, while some of the alternates would be in the bathroom wiping the blood off. Lately I have even heard people say, "Hurry up and scrape the dead guy off the runway, we're trying to skydive here, and he's in the way, and the darned paramedics are taking too long. At least just scrape him to the side, so the airplane can get by." I have also heard, "Isn't he dead yet. I wish he'd hurry up and die, 'cause we're burning daylight, and we've got to get off at least a couple more jumps!" I have even asked for a moment of silence in the bar for the guy who died at the DZ that very day, but no wanted to, cared to, nor would they even take a moment away from their beer drinking to grant him that tiny consideration. We get so jaded with people dying and being injured at the DZ, that we forget that they are people, and that is a life we are talking about. If it were you, which it could just as easily be, no matter how careful you think you are, you would probably want others to care, and not just blow you off. as if you suddenly weren't important just because you got hurt. From my own personal experience, I used to be quite the force to be reconed with on the DZ. Everywhere I went people wanted to jump with me and be my friend. Yet since I broke my neck, and am unable to jump like I used to, it's like I am of no use any more. Since I was always too busy with school work, over 10 years of cllege studying the hardest stuff, and working to support myself, and maintaining a whole house full of fish tanks including 4 several hundred gallon reef tanks, and being on a ski team, ice sating, sailing, rock climbing, and dancing, the only social life I maintained since I was 18 years old, 'till now at 36, was at the DZ. So even after I got hurt, I sill used to go out to the DZ for the cameraderie. Before I was injured people used to always come running up to me when I arrived on the DZ to ask if I wanted to get on the next load, and everyone wanted me to sign their logbook. Though not being able to join in on the fun playing in the sky, even though I would try to communicate with the people on the ground, after a while, they just started walking by me as if I wasn't there. Long ago I wanted to make a T-Shirt that read, "If you don't skydive, you don't exist!" in the same vein as the one that reads "I skydive therefore I am". I wanted so much to still feel a part of the jumping, watching the dirt dives and the video, even though it felt much like watching people eat chocolate cake while starving and not being able to have a bite. I used to always feel sorry for non-jumpers. I never knew what they did on weekends to get their thrills and blow off steam. If ever I had missed a weekend in the past, to study for an exam, or even if it was raining, I would get heavy withdrawals. In fact even if I only got in one day, or if I hadn't done my usual at least 4 jumps/day, I felt somehow unfulfilled. It is hard to lose your favorite activity as well as your entire social life, both at the same time. It feels as if I committed some sort of crime and am being punished and ostracized at the same time. After getting hurt the pilot and DZ owner used to let me sit in the right seat of the plane, and he even let me fly. It wasn't jumping, but it was at least better than sitting on the ground, although it was kind of depressing watching everyone exit, as if I was missing the party. The pilot used to insist I put on my seat belt during exit just to be sure I didn't follow them out, since he knew how much I wanted to. Unfortunately one of the nasty, jealous bitches at the manifest made a big stink about it and threatened to call the FAA if he didn't stop letting me do that. I think she was just angry 'cause her boob job didn't fix her personality and afford her any more attention than a girl who hadn't had gone to the expense of doing that was getting despite her petite frame and natural breateses. Women can be so jealous, mean, competitive, and bitchy sometimes! Like being an American in Europe, I am often embarrassed to be a woman. At the Convention, often Paul Fayard, who owns the all the Cassas, lets me go for rides. Also, I never liked to pack, but now I feel good packing with everyone else, 'cause it almost feels like I am a skydiver once again. Having jumped for so long and having had a very diverse skydiving carreer, I have a great deal to share. I even married a guy in the military when I was 19 even though we never lived together, just so I could jump with the military's sport parachute club for 4$/year out of their blackhawk helicopters at Fort Ord (where Skydive Monterey Bay is now since Clinton closed the base and turned it into a black ghetto of low income housing bringing the criminal element to our otherwise peaceful Central Coast that is more like a war zone now complete with a puppet black mayor). With them I got to do lots of demos including those for the American Legion where Martha Rae used to come visit, did demos out at Vandenberg Airforce base, the Laguna Seca Speedway race track, etc.... When I lived in Hawaii, I was even a member of the Pacific Forces Exhibition Skydiving Team, PACFEST, with whom I got to do demos, and training exercises with the rest of the airborn troops out of all kinds of cool aircraft including blackhawks, shanooks, C-130s, C-141s, and even was among the first group of people to ever get to jump out of the military's new C-17, like a C-141 on steroids. I have lots of experience I love to share about the good stuff I know as well as what to avoid doing to not get hurt. I love talking about skydiving as much as everyone else. I too used to always tout what a cool family the skydiving world was before I got hurt, yet since then, they have all but abandoned me. I don't even bother going out to the DZ any more 'cause not only is it hard to watch everyone else have fun, but the people there, especially the fairly new jumpers can be so cruel and insensitive toward their fallen camerads. If you get hurt it's as if you are suddenly and untemench, or a lepor. I used to teach SCUBA through NAUI's HSA (Handicapt SCUBA Association), so I used to spend a lot of time hanging out with para and quadra plegics. An injured skydiver is often treated like someone in a wheelchair. People act toward them like they were born that way. When people walk by they often refuse to make eye contac, and just turn their heads away pretending they didn't even see them, as people also do to homeless people. I wish people would realize that just like a wheelchair bound person, they are that way because they just had an accident, which could happen to anyone at any time, especially while engaged in some dangerous activity. And yes, skydiving is dangerous! Once at Eloy I heard some fairly new jumper telling some specatators that skydiving was no more dangerous than driving down the freeway. I chimed in that in fact it was dangerous. The guy told the people not to listen to me, that I didn't know what I was talking about. Well, on his very next jump, that fool, who obviously didn't have enough respect for what he was doing or just how careful he needed to be, had a canopy collision at 100 feet, hooking into a guy upon his final approach, and died! Luckily the other person was not too badly injured. The same applies to homeless people. They are just people like you and me, but have just fallen into a hole they can't seem to get out of. Often they are just overly sensitive individuals who have had a bad experience, and it has left them unable to cope with life. Skydivers, injured people, wheelchair people, and homeless people are all just that, people, who all deserve the same amount of consideration and attention. Beyond that, it is the case that the latter actually deserve more attention and consideration, since they are already suffering from their circumstances, so to then have people just blow them off, ignore them, and turn the other way as if they aren't there, only further hurts their self esteem, which is obviously already suffering. It is a good thing to care for your fellow humankind. You can't change the World, but you do have the power to make a huge impact on our skydiving community in the realm of stoping just a second to care about those around you who have had the misfortune of having been injured. It makes me sad to see people like Bill Ottley, who was the shit in his day, yet now people don't even bother to say "HI" to him any more. I have cruzed around events with him in his golfcart, only to notice that very few even take the time to talk to him, which I know would really make him feel good. Also when Bob Sinclaire broke his foot showing everyone at the World Cup in Eloy why we don't jump rounds any more, no one seemed to even care. I went to check on him in his bus a couple days later, and he hadn't moved from his bed. His pee bottle was absolutely black from dehydration. I dragged him kicking and screaming to the VA in Tucson. It was even hard to find a couple people to even take a minute out of their day to help me get him from his bed in the back of his bus into my car. At the hospital the doctor said he was so dehydrated he would have to take some shots to thin his blood every day for a week before they could operate. The doctor asked if there was anyone around to help him out in the mean while. Never one to ask for help or demonstrate vulnerability, he of course replied, "Yeah, sure, there are 1000s of jumpers out at the DZ where my bus is parked." Sure there were, but out of all of them, not a single one but me cared enough to even look in on him. This is very sad since Bob is one of our cultural icons! He has been jumping for over 50 years, and has more diverse experience than any other jumper alive! He could tell jumping stories for days straight, years even. He even has photo albums of all that jumping! He basically innovated skydiving photography and stunt work and had a parachute school in Hollywood from the 50s through the 80s! He took Johnny Carson on his first parachute jump. He has done a phenominal amount for our sport, and yet when he got injured and needed help and a friend to talk to, everyone was just too busy doing their own thing to even care that one of our skydiving pioneers, who had been hurt right in front of everyone, needed someone to care. I insisted behind Bob's back that the doctor admit him to their long term care facility 'till the operation. I even went down to Tucson every day to take Bob a hamburger from McDonalds since he wouldn't eat the hospital food. At least there all the old veterans would congregate in his room to listen to jumping stories, especially when I was there. The point of all of this is that there used to ba a lot more cameraderie in skydiving, and as Bob likes to say skydiving used to be 10% jumping and 90% story telling and socializing, but now it's only 10% socailizing and 90% skydiving. He insists the soul of jumping is disappearing and being replaced by a bunch of selfish, competitive individuals who don't seem to care to support nor care for each other any more. This needs to change. Skydiving is supposed to be a social activity in which people jump together, play together, drink together, share stories together, and enjoy each other's company. I love Eloy for that very reason, that it is a place of congregation for many Europeans. I just love going to the bent prop where on any given night you can hear stories and learn stuff including politics, technology, travel, living, housing, society, flying, skydiving, etc... about Austria, Germany, Engand, Canada, Ireland, etc.... If we don't start caring more about one another, that very unique aspect of cameraderie that makes our skydiving family so special may just vanish all together. I just want to remind people not to forget that Skydiving is as much a social activity as it is a sport. And since any one can themselves get hurt at any time, people ought to be a little more considerate toward the injured, for your time will come sooner or later, and when it does, just like Vanilla Sky Girl, you will feel bad and want people to care and not just cast you aside and abandon you as no longer useful or worthwhile. I don't think anyone can jump for any length of time and not get hurt at some point. It's just a matter or when and how bad. So remember the Golden rule, the one about treating others as you would have them treat you. And when someone you know of gets hurt, reach out to them and let them know you care. Don't just toss them aside as if they suddenly don't matter any more. Unlike voting in which it seems since there are so many people in our country, one little vote might seem insignificant and inconsequential, our sport is so small, that if everyone makes just a little effort in this direction, it would have vast consequences and make our sport just that much better, more of the close knit, supportive family it could and should be, more like it used to be. I am thinking about you my Dear! You are in my prayers! If I had enough money, which I don't since I got hurt, and my medical bills are so high, I would send you some flowers. So since it's the thought that counts, think of me sending you some flowers, OK?! Tinkerbelle
  11. How long should you date before getting married? Rehab is for quitters.
  12. Since I am sure one of the cridics would be very interested to know, the banana slug is the school mascot of my college alma mater. They prevail and thrive up here in the dank, dark, redwook forest of the Santa Cruz Mountains where I live! Tinkerbelle Rehab is for quitters.
  13. Of course you know that's exactly when and where the aliens show up, out in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. Perhaps one burned in?! Rehab is for quitters.
  14. While driving along the road in the desert from the motorized military base where they play war games with tanks to California City, going right by Edwards airforce base I heard a loud runbling and the sky grew dark for a second. I looked up to see something large, black, and triangular fly overhead. As it turns out it was a stealth bomber! I have since seen those at air shows, but at the time they had not yet been disclosed to the public, so I had never seen anything like it! So indeed, if you were by an airforce base, it is likely that something like that went by. Either that or they are finally coming for me. I thought I had a little more time, but I guess it went by faster than it felt! Rehab is for quitters.
  15. Hey you tuna person, How do you upload or reference a video clip someone sent you in an email? Tink P.S. I don't get it! What does tunaplanet mean? Rehab is for quitters.
  16. >Why couldn't you turn a whore into a housewife? They might be so sick of strange men having their way with them, they might be so thrilled to have just one guy to depend on who would treat them well that they could potentially be the most loyal, thankful, appreciative, faithful housewives you could imagine. While someone who had not had so much experience with variety my still be interested and fascinated by other men, and thus even more likely to cheat just to flirt with the unknown that the whore had already experienced and was sick of by then. Tink Rehab is for quitters.
  17. I'd have to say that it would hurt more to have your SO have sex with another than the lying part. 'cause to have sex with another would mean they got real close to some other person and actually exchanged bodily fluids. That not only would be devastating, but would in fact put you at risk healthwise. I couldn't handle even imagining someone I was physically close to being that physically close to someone else while I was somewhere else thinking they were being faithful. Also, orgasm involved surrendering to the person you're with. It would be hard to handle your SO surrending to another in your absence. They might lie about it to protect your feelings and because they still wanted you enough to want to stick around. Tink Rehab is for quitters.
  18. That's far from complete, but if you would like I could write a whole lot more for you. I didn't know you cared! I'm so thrilled! What a sweetheart you are. I like talking about my family of creatures. I've had lots of other creatures too, my favorite of which were several hundreds of gallons of reef creatures including lots of soft coral and various colorful anenomies, tridacnia clams,etc... & every kind of fish, vertebrate, invertebrate, & crustacean you can imagine! If you would like I will send you a Pm describing each and every one including their personal profiles, it's really quite interesting. Might take a couple hundred pages though. Tink Rehab is for quitters.
  19. (yes, this is a repeat from tne Mr. Lemur thread, which has a picture of a lemur posted ) More about Lenny The leaping Lemur, most awesome skydiver, and really cool dude.... He also has around 200 jumps logged, is a member of the Rodriguez Brothers, alias "The Whole Encilada", a Muff Brother, a Friek Brother, a Flying Hellfish, and illustrious member of Team Funnel, and Team Flail. Lenny also has a National gold medal which he earned on Roger Nelson's team STL, "Share The Love". He has also been on the cover of the Parachutist magazine doing a 3-D dive at DeLand, as well as having appeared in several pictures within. And there is even a picture of him doing a 3-D dive on the wall in the Perfect Spot in DeLand. Yup, Lenny is quite the skydiver dude! Here's to my buddy Lenny, and to all his fellow lemurs! May they live long and prosper! You know they are quickly becoming extinct, overrun my the natives tearing down their jungle habitat. They only exist in the wild in small groups on the island of Madegascar, and the Phillipines according to someone in the Mr. Lemur post, but I didn't hear that on the Animal Channel! Tinkerbelle Rehab is for quitters.
  20. Lenny The Leaping Lemur was initiated as "THE WHOLE ENCILADA RODRIGUEZ" at the WFFConvention in 2003 by his sponsor, Borrito Rodriguez! There was quite a ceremony complete with a tequilla body shot on Lenny's little pooch belly. He was even holding the lime and salt! You should have seen his little striped tail wagging as Borrito bit the lime from under his chin! Lenny was thrilled! And yes, he did his initiation jump with a whole gang of Rodriguez Brothers, all decked out! Lenny was even wearing his little red sombraro. Somewhere there is some pretty cool video of the whole shebang, shebang, oh oh shemove shemove, wish I knew where. I think Borrito has it. Lenny loves to do his "La Cockaroacha" song and dance too for everyone he meets! Tinkerbelle Rehab is for quitters.
  21. Where on Earth did you get that dialog? Did you copy it down from the Animal Channel or what? You know all of human psychology can be figured out from the animal channel. It all boils down to the basics; kill, fuck, and eat, not necessarily in that order. Anything else that humans do that seems to differentiate and distinuish them is just fluff-n-stuff, just some elaboration or manifestation of one of those 3 basic fundamental principles. Tinkerbelle Rehab is for quitters.
  22. I am writing on behalf of Lenny The Leaping Lemur, AKA "The Whole Enchilada Rodriguez" Lenny would like to get a hold of his sponsor, Borrito Rodriguez. Does anyone know how to get a hold of him? Don't the Rodriguez Brothers have a website? Could someone tell me how to reach the main head hancho pancho in charge of membership details? Lenny wants a couple patches he has seen and any other paraphenalia they might have for him to sport. Rehab is for quitters.
  23. If less is better, does that mean that none is the best? Where do you draw the line at less, beyond which more is better? Tinkerbelle more, longer, harder, faster, bigger, stronger, etc.... Rehab is for quitters.
  24. FYI: I had a cat I names Caligula. She was black with white paws. I was taking Latin in high school at the time, and Caligula is Latin for Boots! I also had a Hymaleyan names Nefertiti, Nefi for short. And of course there was Igor, the orange guy, and Rogi, which is Igor backwards for the next orange guy, etc.... I've had up to 14 cats at once. I'm down to 4 now. Most just died of old age, but a couple were eaten by wild animals up here in the mountains where I live. Caligi lived to be 21 years old! Tinkerbelle Tinkerbelle Rehab is for quitters.
  25. Get "Harold & Maude"! It's the best movie ever! It's truly a classic! Probably in the comedy section, ask the counter person. The sound track is entirely Cat Stevens. It's filmed all around the San Francisco Bay Area. The mansion, Filole, in which Harold lives with his Mother in is in Menlo Park. It's about a college age guy whose Mother is trying to fix him up with a proper girl. He has a fascination with staging all kinds of elaborate suicides to alarm his Mother and all of the girls Mother picks out. He frequents funerals fot amusement. At one of his funerals he meets Maude, a 79 year old lady, who teaches him to appreciate life again. He falls in love with her of course. I won't tell you any more, you need to go rent it! The sound track is a masterpiece! "The King of Hearts" is good too. It's about a WW2 soldier who seeks refuge in a nut house in Paris to escape the Germans. When the locals all leave town the nuts all get out and cruise about town. I can't remember, but I think it has subtitles though. Rehab is for quitters.