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Everything posted by jkwskydive

  1. Generally, I have not heard of 2 or more tandems linking up in freefall. I'm not even sure it's been done before. The biggest problem is getting all of them out of the plane in a reasonably rapid fashion. They also just don't fly aerodynamically well as single skydivers do. There have, however, been big ways of skydivers docking on a tandem. There was a picture on the cover of Parachutist some time back of a tandem with 40+ skydivers linked around it. My biggest RW jump with a tandem was an all-deaf 4 way with a deaf tandem passenger being given a ride by a tandem master that signed really well due to having a deaf ex-wife! That was also in Parachutist a few years back. Blue Skies Billy Pls check out at http://www.deafskydivers.org/Gallery/All_deafJumps/dGARWT4w01.htm
  2. Mar, Glad to hear you finally got. Will come to Zhills Tues PM. Have a good Easter weekend. Blue skies, John
  3. Hi, Welcome the World of Deaf skydivers http://www.deafskydivers.org Yes I met Jen at Eloy last May. I need info from you on your first jump. You may get an idea from http://www.deafskydivers.org/StaInfo/FirstJump_1.html Blue skies, John
  4. Hey, I jumped with Guy at CSS for "less than 30"-way Squentials yesterday. No jumping today due to high wind. In case, I will bring both small bags of small and large bands to Zhills in one week. See you soooooooooon.
  5. Hey, Their names look right to me.. Thanks!
  6. Hey, Hope you remember me as John when one deaf local skydiver Scott introduce me to you last May.
  7. Hey, I am totally deaf from birth and blind in my left eye from play accident when I was 10 years old. Anyway, I have no problem with skydiving at all but one difficulty as a top man for CRW. I can not see anyone approaching toward me, left behind me while I can see right behind. I have done with my friend Billy Vance twice at Skydive Monroe and Golden Coast Skydiving. I feel like seeing with both eyes (but actually one). I do not even think of any vision problem.
  8. Hey, I think I know who they are but couldn't remember their names. They showed up at Perris Valley last Sept during the Deaf World Record. One guy is tall and thin and another one is large-framed. right?
  9. He said he invited all from last year as the first line and has a lot of European skydivers and support team to fill up in slots if necessary. :-)
  10. Hey Mar, Will see you in Z-hills next month. Guy said your team is full so I will be on the suppor team. I need to escape from work for a while and need to have fun there.. :-) john
  11. Hi, Billy Said well. I am profundly deaf and blind in one left eye and I dont hae ability to speak orally but sign and write. From my experience in skydiving (especially top man for CRW). Ski goggles or thick framed eyeglasses are not highly recommended because they limit the range of visibility. Any hard helmet with full visor or wire-framed eyeglasses are good choices for wide range for one eye. john
  12. Hey Greg, Good to see you on this forum. am still constantly traveling to where boogies or events are since my old home DZ was kicked out by county years ago. Glad to know you still know sign language. Remember Greg Reese (your deaf passenger tandeom at Skydive Monroe) who now lives in Connecticut since he got his new job there. john
  13. Hi, Good jumping with you, too. I am a CRW novice. still learn...John
  14. Gary, you should get your tee shirt any time this week. I am sure you will be proud to show your new shirt in your sign class.
  15. Hey, I was hoping you would find me in this forum. worried i could not find your email address since accidently formatted my hard drive. So now, I need your snail address. dont put your address in this forum. do you have mine? Sorry for not getting back to you.
  16. Hey, Thanks for setting up this. I bet you will get a lot.
  17. Hi, Actually I live in Maryland but work in Wash., DC.
  18. Hey, Been knowing her for years. Always love her teasing. She is wonderful to help interpreting for me when I see her.
  19. Hey, Hats off to Billy. Since Billy and I met at Skydive Monroe for Georgia State Record for first time in 1997, I have been knowing/jumping together with him on big-ways at different drop zones. He is a wonderful person.