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Everything posted by plowdirt

  1. Here's some tuff love, maybe your dyslexic, and homeless, clue number 1. Now shut the fuck up and go jump. Do me a favor and put as many good times between you and this as you possibly can. And the answer is not in a bottle. Take some time to get to know yourself again, and don't drag the B/S from this relationship into your next one. besides you still have hangover sex comming to ya. 2 years if you think about it maybe you weren't breaking her off right, or to the left. Get over it move on don't dwell. lifes to short for skydivers to be broken hearted. E (And here comes a moderated spanking)
  2. O.K. then HO BAG ahh the tryfilin ho would ho monger count??? wait stripper ho my favorite and the ever infamous Man HO
  3. Waht about the christmas HO, ho, ho, ho, ???
  4. Hey pig-------- yea you, --hey pig piggy pig pig pig
  5. By 62 I'll be blind as a bat and I won't care what she looks like. How does her mom look these days?? Thats the indicator.
  6. At 62 my head will explode after being exposed to Britney Spears for 36 hours I hope I can still get it up at 62 I can't wait. If anyone knows Britney tell her we can get started now. Call me baby I'm waiting.
  7. Yes he sure is, The turn out today was incredible. As we all know the comrotery of your skydiving family is huge, it goes near and far and all places in between. the stories were good, personally I kept quiet, cuz he has swarn me to secrecy on occasion. now it's the feeling of he's gone, a friend , a mentor, a roll model (well) we are talking about Caleb. No hell yes a roll model. I wish I'da huged him as many times as I hugged people today, So sorry to see him go.
  8. I wouldn't waste it on anything but spending as much time as I can with my daughter. Man that little girl is amazing.
  9. Wow I love my cursing It just rolls off my tounge so easy. About the only word I won't use, unless things are really bad, and if it's used look out, is the ladies favorite "C" word. But in my line of work my customers only here it while I'm working, cause it's the omly way my guys understand they fucked up, and I'm fucking pissed off. And they better get their shit streight or they can find another damn job with some guy who could give 2 shits. wow I think suddenly they will have a better day now thats out of the way. Luv ya kid E
  10. plowdirt

    Funeral Blues

    Soon we'll all be going to a wedding, So sorry for your loss. This type situation weighs very heavilly on me, as I lost a close friend to this. And now I look for the signs. And help as much as I can. So hang in there. Im so sorry to here this.
  11. Rig 1-2 or 41-42 Grey is ----- just grey, and pink will get drity real fast, I like the green tie dye, sharp trippie and all things green make the world go round. It's such a pain making this decision. It's like sensory over ride. You shoulda seen the file of pics I drew up for an infinity I wanted once. ooooo I wanna jump. Dark colors stay cleaner longer
  12. So it turns out to be heart disease, (enlarged heart) Imagine that, enlarged heart, And the irony is my boy had a great heart. Service will be Saturday January 20th at Air Adventures in Clewiston. at 12:00 Noon. They will be closed for skydiving, We will be celebrating his life. E
  13. Well for now we are not certain, only that he passed away in his sleep. Typical of him, finding one of the best ways to go. As I would only think of two. Man!!!! I fucking hate that, you know that last time you see someone, and now there gone. Here's to the SWAMP MOLLIES ahh that was a good one.
  14. A special friend, who watched over me as a new jumper, And even though it was a low turn he took the time out to say that was a nice landing, but start the pattern a lil earlier. You need a place to stay your more than welcomed. Go sleep it off in the hanger I have a million thoughts of you Caleb I love you man I'll miss you dearly E
  15. You would have to figure it out by this age, Common man When in your life have you not been in trouble when drinking and friends weren't involved. I would say for my part NEVER. Xnay the drink. Work on new friends. There is a program out there thats called AA, yea I know, but the truth is in the 12 steps. And they are not easy, but it helps you face the facts. Good luck to you DB
  16. Whats wrong cheese? Nothing sexual,perverted, or xlpicit to say today. No something's wrong, Holy shit you got laid didn't you. Well don't hurt yourself. you'll poke an eye out kid.
  17. Ahh you just made me remanis, but for me it's how long havn't I, had the sweet smell of packing hanger come over me like the sun in my eyes. Seen the look of good friends at the door before exit. The welcoming of new friends at a distant DZ. My name over the loud speeker saying come to manifest The feeling of ahhh yea here we go as I'm doing a gear check at 10K, The smell of my helmet, the dreded happy pack to get on the next load, How long have I been skydiving??? Not long enough.
  18. plowdirt

    Dirty 30

    I talk to alot of elders, persay. They say life don't start till 40, and then I here that 30's is the new 20's, I'm on the back end of the 30's and I just blinked. So I figure 20 more years then I'll be in business. So enjoy, All the best.
  19. Welcome to S.FL, I just didn't realize it stretched all the way across the Gulf. It'sa sign of the times, and I said it for a long time, Customer service sucks. good luck
  20. Since We have spent a bit a time together and your candor is so enlightening, I say you drink it before you get on the plane. I'da joined you some months ago my friend but today I'm straight edge ampen and it has been a party in and of itself. Be safe, tell the cute stewardess I said Hi. ?? u goin
  21. plowdirt


    Been trying to meet you hey, must be a devil between us or whores in my head whore in my bed but hey where have you been if you go I will surley die. we're chianed. I have to let you know about this sight I been D/Ling off of all weekend. Blubster. Check it out. E
  22. Oh I beg to differ, Being an X professional hangoverer. My best remedy, water lots of water before bed, BC Powder x2 in the morning, more water and then food. Well now that I think about it mind candy, but it worked for me. Now to my reality, No hangover today, and I feel great. Hang in there people tomorrow back to work, nasty 4 letter word.
  23. Yep I met my daughter's mother 12 years ago, then we had baby girl then I married her then I divorced her and about every 2 weeks the jovial one (X) continues to change my life. And I'm no help in my matter. HPNY K E
  24. plowdirt


    Honey that avitar says so much forget about the PM. I see how your doing. Thats a smile. Buddy how'd you do it I want a woman to smile at me like that. puney. wouldn't that be peeunie Small tiney OHHH NO WAIT WAIT UNDER THE WEATHER I RETRACT MY COMMENT UNDER THE WEATHER. Besides thats gotta be a northern thing