I am an original American skydiver, and while writing the history of skydiving ... I needed to find a DZ where I could learn more about what is going on in the modern world of skydiving. The Ranch was the perfect place to start. I wish to thank Billy Richards, Guy Wright, Kim Emerson, Bruce Chapman, Frank Mancini, Mike Myer, Bob Scura, and Jim Leonard ... to name a few, for taking the time to chat and give information that made my book successful, 'Skydivers, Flying With Their Pants on Fire'. You can aleays pick up a copy at the Ranch store from Kam Bayrasli. In fact, his story is in the book also.
In season, the Super Otters will get you to altitude fast and often.
I am a Texan, but never do I miss a stop at the Ranch every summer. "The Ranch" sounds more like Texas, but it is big time NY. Enjoy.