one step further you'll get this text from him:
Thanks for the mail.
Great, this is exactly what I need and I'd really like to pay you in
cash at hand but right now , I want the car but i live in NY. I can
overnight the payment to you Perhaps, given my job as a set
administrator for a movie. We move from one location to another, so am
just very used to buying and would make arrangements for it to be
picked up after you must have confirmed payment with your bank. So my
means of payment will be Certified Cashier check,which is more secured
and better than any other means of payment.
I'm okay with the price and would be offering you $100 so that you
consider it sold to me including transport logistics fee. The pick up
will be effected by my transporter after you have confirmed the
payment cleared to your account.
If this is ok by you, I will need these information below to enable me
send the payment out to you immediately via UPS so that we can
proceed. (1) Full Name.... , (2) Address to mail the payment....(not a
postbox address). ,(3) Cell Phone number.... , (4) Asking Price
I will mail you the payment tracking number as soon as I get the
information and let you know when you will receive it.