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  1. Hehe, So Wat is eveyrone doing this weekend? I am thinking mexico trip for Spring break. :) Alpha When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  2. Congrats man. When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  3. SkyBytch,... It's already let go "JJEREMY You were my ispiration littlest man of all" I never made a retort against him, but so many people were offeded by his words I Felt it important to let him know how much I loved him :). When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  4. Thanks When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  5. Someone needs to explain Hybrid to me. When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  6. NO NO I like the thought of more girls jumping. Hey How about getting a buch of girls to jump in Red Lace with elfanie for her 100th jump. I think all the single women could sleep with me ;). This is a good idea. When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  7. Hey eveyrone I just wanted EVERYONE to know that I jumped on saturday, Yup Coolidge DZ supports the big boys. I jumped a modified Tandem Rig EZ385 I believe. I weighed 325 We fell at and exciting 176 mph Chute opened fine and I landed fine (Wow what a rush) When does 45 seconds stop feeling like 3 seconds in a free fall? that is i my question of the week. I will post the video as soon as I get it transferred over to my computer. Thanks to everyone who said go for it Big Hug to all the little people who discouraged it (JJEREMY You were my ispiration littlest man of all). And to answer everyone's Question Yes I will jump again. elfanie, bsoder, atsabury You are my People Now When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  8. Thanks To Aubrey for doing some leg work for me. Looks like I will be jumping from coolidge AZ. I will let everyone know the jump date. Hey if I like it I mean I am doing to drop the weight anyhow. But the first jump im gonna go in "heavy" I do think if it is an addiction I might wait to drop the weight for 1) Safety reasons 2) Variety and availability of equipment. 3) Safety Reasons ;) Thanks Aubrey you are the man. When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  9. Aubrey and I are talking about Using his Rig so Mostly looking for somewhere closer to him, so he doesn't have to drive out here Unless he has wanted to jump Eloy or Buckeye. When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  10. Hey eveyrone, Never though this many people would reply to my post. Thanks so much for the info. I need to call Aubrey and chat with him. As for Jeremy who cares. I understand what he is saying. Everyone's opinions count. I mean it is good to know what I am getting into here right. Losing weight sounds like it would be smart to do. But also Aubrey sounds like he has a lot to offer in this situation. So i am going to chat with him on that. And Yes I need to lose some weight, and Will. I swear you Skydivers are just cool as hell. Keep it coming. I got the names of some DZOs here in the area and actually chatted with some sky-divers in the area. Thanks again guys. When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  11. Beto, thanks for the Backup. I really apprecate it but I don't need it. Everything people say is worth noting. I don't take offense and I don't really think he meant actual offense more talking about his feelings. He doesn't know me and therefore has no right to judge me which I'm sure he wasn't doing. But you are the man beto. When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  12. Haha. I could probably play Pro Football. Im 6'2" I weight 320. IM sitting somewhere at 27% bodyfat. I started at like 45% body fat. I hit the gym like 5 times a week. I bench My body weight, Squat 500+ It isn't a matter of Desire It isn't that I am lazy. I don't even mind criticism. Seriously the least I can weigh is 250. Other than that I would have to trim my muscle mass to make any other weight loss. My "Help Him Jump" remark is more about Finding someone with the knowledge or the resources to make it happen. Mostly advice is what I want. But keep the cold hard truth coming I don't mind it. I don't like being ignorant and if someone has info I am willing to listen. Rico When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  13. Let me tell you. SkyDivers are some fun mother fuckers so far. I am geeked to get into this and meet some of you guys/gals. When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  14. Photographer problem has been fixed. Rico When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?
  15. Sounds fun to me shux When Does a 45 Second Free Fall Stop Feeling like 3 seconds?