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  1. hey i had some questions relating to drywall and things in the states as i hear it's a bit different down there than it is here up in canada, so if you've got a minute...
  2. i was lucky enough to spend some time in italy this summer, and the highlight of my trip was definitely jumping in ravenna, italy, they have a cassa (which unfortunately wasn't running while i was there) as well as a porter. The view rocked, ravenna being right on the eastern coast, and the people were even better, i only did 4 jumps, but got to jump with some wicked flyers, and when the day was done, they all cooked a giant dinner which they generously invited me to, and then we all sat around and got drunk off of wine (as seems to be the thing to do there) and watched jumping vids. Anyhow, point of the story, if you're gonna jump in italy, gotta check out ravenna, the place and the people rock, bsbd
  3. hey, moe, if you can go to pitt, it's pretty kick ass, right close to van. Lots of high paying work for carpenters with the olympics coming up. Open 7 days a week, all fucking year.