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Depends on how far I feel like driving.
I had an L3-S1 instrumented fusion in 1999 and had trained hard through rehab and decided to jump again. In April 2004, I made a tandem just to get back into the air-gusty winds and highly loaded the tandemaster had control of the canopy and proceeded to pound us into the peas-with his 220 lbs landing on top of me. Results:1 broken rib,bad compression fracture L1,and 2 breaks in my talibone. The fusion survived unscathed. L1 and L2 disc is now herniated.Chronic pain and almost complete inability to engage in ANY physical activity is a result.Just bad luck.An injured spine will NEVER heal,once the natural mechanics are changed-especially by a fusion and even a lamenectomy can really make you miserable.Unfortunately, I'm done jumping-risk of paralysis is too great. Just be careful and listen to the advice of activity aware physicians.Blue Skys *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
What age will you stop skydiving if any.
argon replied to reddevil1's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
Depends on your health,in fact everthing in life depends on your health. I had a bad spine injury (not skydiving) and it took about 6 years to get back in shape,then in april I got an early start with a tandem jump only to break L1,my tailbone and a rib on a hard landing. I was about 2-4 mm from paralysis according to my doctor. Still want to jump but right now I still can't run at all and have chronic pain. Time will tell I guess. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL -
But as a group,the fact is few do it "as a living" and have other sources of income with some having company benefits,those that are self employed may have individual or standard policies. I don't know ,but there certaintly is a percentage that don't need the benefits that would apply. Although the auto racing based SCCA have a policy that cover drivers and track workers that receive injuries during an event. It is possible-but in the case of the SCCA alot of the cost is absorbed by the cost of the drivers actual racing license,which is SUBSTANTIALLY more expensive than the current USPA membership. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
I had a substantial spine injury in 1998. Just the anesthesia bill was over 10 grand. I just recently found out the surgery ,hospital,rehab was over 75 thousand. Now my prescriptons cost over 500 a month-cost to me 20 dollars. That injury was job related and not skydiving. In April a hard tandem landing as a passenger broke my back (L1 and tailbone) plus a rib. Insurance (BC/BS) paid for everything. Unless you live in a tent at the dz and don't own or ever plan to own anything you can't afford NOT to have insurance. PERIOD. Just having a kidney stone treated will cost over 5 grand at some hospitals. And YES-when they find out you don't have insurance of any kind you will NOT receive the care you need. Nobody likes to work for free. Blue Skies and Merry Christmas to all. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
It would depend on the airplane. I have owned 2 Pitts aircraft. My S1C- no way, I could hardly get in without a parachute-consider the g-loading that is probably involved if you break the airframe and have to get out. In an S2A or S2B where you can jettison the canopy-it would depend on your size. Me, at 6'00" and 210 lbs-no way,I'd be stuck if I had a sport rig on. In a monoplane like the extra 300 your kind of lying back in the seat-as opposed to bolt upright in the Pitts.In that case It would be very uncomfortable. For the post that think most pilots don't ever think about bailing out-I would agree-many I know rarely get the rigs repacked on time.I can't see how you could use a sport rig-even with two very small canopies Plus-you have to consider possibly using the rig at very high airspeeds-well over 200 knots. PS. If you do manage to get out of a crippled plane chances are you are going to be VERY close to the ground. Pull silver. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
Sore neck - how to make it better?
argon replied to el_chester's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
Please-Please take my advice. I am very disabled subsequent to a spinal injury. Make DAMN SURE YOU ARE X RAYED AND SEEN BY AN ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEON-before ANYONE manipulates you. I had two substantial lower back L4-S1 injuries-second of which resulted in a spinal fusion(7 hour surgery). After the first inury I was convinced a chiropractor was the way to go. To make a long story short-all the forceful adjustments destroyed my facet joints and it was all down hill from there. First-do not rush your recovery,get good advice and let yourself heal fully and remember it doesn't take long to lose muscle tone and strength. Go easy,do it right or you WILL end up fucked up and miserable or worse. Good Luck. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL -
But what's left to put in the twin otter? Believe what you want- I think its junk science,then again when it matters I'll be long gone. I'm selfish and proud. We don't pay enough for energy in this country.Period.Make gas 5 dollars a gallon like it is in the UK. Promote nuclear.Hybrids-go ahead buy one-then wait till the warranty is gone and you have to replace batteries,relays etc... Polar bears, I say feed them the scraps and build them real comfy nesting boxes next to the drilling rigs that should be there to get the oil .Get over it. Everybody want to pay 89 dollars each way to beat the cold in the winter to go jump in warmer climates.Do you really think an airline is making money-how about those 200 or so thousand pounds of Jet A making those engines turn.All the tree huggers,all the hollywood elite,give me a break. The problem might not even be caused by humans in the first place. I couldn't care less. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
This thread will never stop. There are dumb cops and dumb people. I'm permantly disabled as a reason of being a cop. The average citizen doesn't realize that police work is paramilitary and you do as you are told. Memos aren't issued-General Orders are. For those that talk the shit about-no you can't search my car-wanna bet? My attitude was I did as amuch as I had to and if you don't fuck with me I won't fuck with you. But, if people hate the cops so much-why do so many call 911 when the shit hits the fan? No-there are always bad apples and there are always assholes,be they skydivers,deadheads,lawyers-cops from outside the juridiction whatever. This is america and it is not a police state,but it isn't anarchy either. My advice is if you are directly going to challenge a cop-especially when they are called as a direct result of a citizen complaint-you had better have your facts straight. There are thousands out there in blue ,male and female and I agree alot of them have no business in the job but the majority are out there FOR you and not against you. I can't change your mind, and personally I don't really care. But just remember-as the street vernacular states: don't hate the player-hate the game. And until Terry vs. Ohio gets overturned-which it never will, and any cop can articulate a potential danger to his or her safety you can make a warrantless search of a person and the pasenger area in a MV within direct reach of the passengers or driver. There is a famous Ziggy cartoon,where Ziggy is walking down the street and a police car drives by. On the car is written: "We are the Police and You are NOT...... *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
Good. Show up on Fidels little island, everything will be fine. Take Barbara Streisand and Alec Baldwin with you too. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
That's OK with me,the JACKASS I'm concerned about lost the election.
I must say Kerry was a true gentleman and gave a very good speech. Edwards on the other hand seemed a bit pissed (LOL). His speech was inflammatory-sore loser. You might have thought he lost a trial and he was getting ready for an appeal. With lawyers like him around we should be glad we are still able to skydive. All he is ,IMHO, is a glorified high end ambulance chaser. Plus he lacked that phony ass smile today. As you may guess, I am SO glad that duo lost. PS: I heard Kerry got a phone call telling him that Mr. Ed wanted his face back. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
Nice. You must be one of those compassionate conservatives I've heard about. Never said I was a compassionate conservative. I'm a pragmatist. He did his best to be an obstructionist. I have conservative values and by the results of the election-I'm not the only one. Daschle blocked court appointments-now I hope we get rid of judges that try to legislate from the bench. PS: Special thanks to Michael Moore-he woke up alot of republicans with his nonsense and retoric. Tom Daschle was shocked when I asked him if he was proud of the obstructions he created and wished him a defeat in November. Fuck Him and good bye. PS: what are you guys going to do with the "Selected -Not Elected" bumper stickers?As far a Bush bashing,it never bothered me,you have a right to your opinion. I won't make an excuse for saying what I feel. People died for that freedom. Funny though,I have a question for a liberal? Why do most liberals find capital punishment wrong under all circumstances,but feel the destruction of unborn children is OK? *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
Galco-their stuff rules. My carry guns: Glock 27,Browning Hi-power. I'm a factory trained Smith and Wesson armorer but after they sided with the Clinton administration about 6 years ago I won't by another one. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
I sat next to that piece of shit during the West Point graduation this year and told him to his face that I thought he was a disgrace and hoped he lost. I also asked him why he wasn't invited on stage.(Rumsfeld was the keynote speaker). The enforcement detail gave me a hard time but when they realized I was retired law enforcement(disabled as a result of) and said as long as we are in america I'll say what I wish-because after all-he works for all of us. Fuck him. He even extended his hand and I refused to shake it. My neice who graduated is now in flight school and I'm glad Kerry won't be the commander in chief. *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL
LOL - whats going to happen to the "selected and not elected" bumper stickers. Fuck Michael Moore, Fuck Bruce Springsteen,Barbara Streisand,Whoppe Goldberg etc. I don't even know how to spell their names. Rock the vote-yeah right 17% of those eligible 18-21 voted. I guess they couldn't stop playing X-Box games to do their civic duty. I met Tom Daschal at this years West Point graduation and told him I hope he loses- and he did. Fuck him to. Dixie Chicks,REM,--Alec Baldwin---stick to your day jobs. Hollywood-well.... *********** Freedom isn't free. Don't forget: Mother Earth is waiting for you--there is a debt you have to pay...... POPS #9329 Commercial Pilot,Instrument MEL