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Everything posted by sky_jumper22

  1. I agree. I've been in love twice, both times with men. But the most erotic, memorable kiss I ever had was with a woman. She approached me because I was too scared. Whenever I was attracted to another woman it scared the hell out of me... not anymore. I've faced the fact that you can't control who your attracted to. So, if there's someone you want to kiss, go for it
  2. Whenever I'm having a conversation with someone and I nod in agreement, I can't help but feel like I just gave the cue to turn a point. So I'll wait a second or 2 and do it again (as discreet as I can) just to amuse myself then I can't help but smile. Once I zone out like that I totally lose track of the conversation at hand. Another thing is when I hear words like 'track' (as in my last sentence) or 'pull' or 'deploy' I automatically start daydreaming of skydiving and completely forget the conversation I was having.
  3. I didn't hear any mention of how much you love your job- it sounds to me like your thinking of walking away from the wrong thing. There's millions of jobs out there, I'd say get a new one that allows time for what you love. Easier said than done, I know. But in my opinion taking a lower paying job (if that's the case) would be a small sacrifice if it made it possible for me to live the life that makes me happiest.
  4. I haven't jumped in New England since I've lived here but I was thinking that this weekend I'll start my quest of finding a DZ to call home
  5. You make a great point about no cutaways=less experience. I've never looked at it that way.
  6. That's usually my frame of mind too, but not to the point where I'm so preoccupied with it that it takes away from the fun of the jump. I have 201 jumps with no cutaways (knock on wood) but I'm confident that if a problem arose, I can handle it. But still my goal is to never have one. So I may take a half hour to pack my chute each time.. but peace of mind is priceless!
  7. I was talking to someone last month who has almost 5,000 jumps and I asked them if they had any cutaways. The answer was "of course". So, should I figure that as I get more and more jumps that the chance of me getting one is unavoidable? I'm very anal when it comes to packing and I was hoping if I'm always that way then I won't have to worry about it. Anyone know the highest # of jumps with NO cutaways?
  8. I got it. I sent a reply to Kid_Icarus-- is that you? I'm a little confused (doesn't take much) because now it says firemedicjumper.
  9. I agree with you a 100%! I'll gladly drive 3 hours to a friendly DZ instead of going to the grouch filled one only 15 min. away.
  10. I have Kinesthesia. It's on vhs but your welcome to HAVE it. It's just been sitting in a box since I moved into my new place.
  11. hey- you better believe I look cool no matter what Thanks for the input. I'm not too concerned about speed under canopy. I think I'll get the standard and use that $60 I save to make more jumps!
  12. I was told last time I jumped that I really should consider getting a new pilot chute, due to wear and tear. I've noticed that most experienced jumpers have collapsible ones. Is there any special reason why most have that kind instead of the standard? To me, it's just an extra thing to remember and it's also more expensive.
  13. Hi! I was looking at your info- 12,000 jumps! Is that a typo? That's awesome! I recently logged jump # 200 on a trip to Fla. and someday I hope to reach 12,000! When I first started jumping there always seemed to be things in the way of me jumping as often as I wanted to. But since then I've rearranged priorities and dropped bad habits and from now on I'm going to jump my ass off. Since I did my first tandem, not 1 day has gone by that I haven't thought about this great sport- well I'm tired of THINKING and I'm ready to start DOING! It's such a male dominated sport (not a bad thing of course) but I look forward to jumping with kick-ass women as often as I can- hopefully our paths will cross sometime
  14. Sorry about that. I've lived in 3 different states in the past 2 years and there's not really a dz I call my 'home dz'. Right now the one closest to me is Addison, VT.
  15. Definitly location. It's hard for me to get time off work but if it's within 5 hours of my house, i'm there!
  16. Wow- that's alot of jumps! I didn't know there were ANY women tandem masters. That gives me another skydivng goal to reach
  17. On Thur. I'm leaving the cold of Vermont to visit family in Fla. On the way I'll be stopping in SC to spend the night at a friends house- who just happens to live about 30 min. from the dz in Chester. He doesn't jump so I was hoping to meet up with some cool people to play in the sky with! Anyone have good things to say about Skydive Carolina? Also, each time I jump in a new state I like to have it on video. I've looked at several different web sites for prices for video but all they list are the prices for doing tandem video. Anyone know what the cost would be to have a videographer go up with me and film the jump?
  18. No offense to you but your friend sounds like a real prick
  19. Buy a couple loaves of bread and a couple jars of peanut butter and you're all set!
  20. A dishwasher?? You were made with built-in dishwashers on the end of each wrist!
  21. Hello! I feel the same way. I made my first tandem in April 2002, got my 'A' license Oct. 2002-- here it is almost 2 years later and I still can't seem to think of anything else except jumping out of airplanes! I love talking to people who are as obsessed as I am-- blue skies:-)
  22. I totally agree. In fact I tell him that he should just be single because if she finds out she's going to get hurt. He says it's a guy thing that I don't understand.
  23. My best friend is a guy and he's cheated on his girlfriend several times. He says that if he cheats without kissing he feels less guilty. He 'gets his rocks off' with no intimacy or closeness. He saves that for his girlfriend-- whatta lucky gal