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Everything posted by sum1mom

  1. yeh!!! definately post when your chunk your baby out of the plane. It'll really be cool if you can fly beside her on her first while its being video'd. Way 2 go....get 'em sick while they're young!!
  2. Feel like crap. Celebrated too much for my daughter's first jump
  3. No way!! She's gotta buy the rest of her jumps herself. I've paid for both her tandems. Hell, I'm still in the STP program and only have 8 jumps, so no-way she's getting into anymore of my jump money!!! I am a little twisted. Her grandparents hate that I do it, so, we're just going to mail the photos of her jump with her graduation announcements (instead of the regular pictures) - we're to scared to call them They are all going to freak.
  4. After much begging, and pleading, I finally got to see my daughter plummet towards earth yesterday on her very first tandem. I rode the plane to altitude and saw the exit – PRICELESS!!!!
  5. I'm new to the sport as well - and I'm catching on slowly...but, not toooo slow - obviously!! No comparison to anything is there? Find yourself falling to sleep in the box man position? Driving faster down the highway with the windows rolled down and your hand out the window, just to feel the rush of air between your fingers? Distracted by sunny days while at work? Me 2!!! Good Luck!!!
  6. I'm having a total blast. Had my 3rd solo yesterday and just couldn't wipe that stupid smile off my face!! It looks funny on video. I'm really havin' some fun. Still haven't stood up a landing since my ass just loves to hit the ground and get a little muddy...oh well.
  7. I'll probably go up today if I can keep bustin' my butt at work. Man, I watched my video......I need to work on my arch - I look like a freakin' banana I fell asleep in my boxman position I'm nervous, but not scared...WILL That EVER StoP?
  8. Hey!! The weather is pristine!! I'm leaving work and getting some air!!
  9. If my coaches are brave enough to get me through this program, I'll be willing to try anything. Pray for good flares on landing!!!
  10. Thanks for your support!! I did my first solo and blew my exit - came out tumbling - then arched...went right back up on the next load and did better. I can't wait to get back up there and really begin processing and applying more skills. It's a wonderful sport!
  11. make the life of skydiving seem!!!
  12. Thanks everyone....don't get me's still pretty freaky lookin' out the door of the plane. But, I'm fine with the's my favorite part. ..I'm really nervous about my next jump...Not like "oh, I'm gonna die!"...I'm just nervous. I still have a "moment" of pure AAAAAAAAGH when I first come off the hill... I'm like "crap, what I'm I thinking?" but, that only last for a second. Then its all fun after that. Now I'm gonna be by myself What an adjustment. Hope everyone else was as excited and nervous as I am, right now, for their first solo. Peace!!
  13. Before I did my first tandem - I thought I was crazy!! After my first tandem I've had my eyes on the skies just dreamin' about my next jump. Now, that I've done that 2nd one....uh oh!! I'm in!! I found myself at home practicing my arch and just obsessing about my next flight! It is the coolest thing I've ever done in my life. BTW I was scared of heights and "prop" (Buddy Holly) planes....[ - I think I'm cured!!
  14. Well folks, I'm getting ready for my solo training!! I'm so excited that I can't focus on my work! I did my second tandem and it was even better than my first!! So much more relaxing in the fall, and the canopy ride was cool. I loooove it!! The folks at my DZ are wonderful. I can't wait to go back....can't wait...can't wait!! Skydivin' folks are the best!! I think I'm obsessed..... Peace!!!
  15. Nice strategy Goose! I voted “no.” Dating for $$ has really hurt how guys view us. I’ve dated very successful men, who are overly flashy, self consumed and have their own little “me” factor running away with them. I know of some women who don’t mind that, as long as the guy shares the wealth. Whatever. I really enjoy stealing the check and paying on some dates. I don’t want a sugar-daddy….I would lose my independence and that itself is priceless.
  16. by the way casch......I see that you have a devilish smile no matter what your size.....he he he...bad boyz rock.
  17. Elifane looks "El-Fine" damn girl!!
  18. Okay Casch....and Island cool....I'm single!! Woo hooo!!! Watch out
  19. Skyyhi...I just about fainted when I saw your before and after....NO WAY!! Yeh, I know when you are overweight the self esteem, and willingness to approach people, along with assertiveness is near, I totally get your POV. Keep feelin' good!!! We only get one shot!!!
  20. EnJoY the NeW FOund AtTenTion. Isn't it wonderful? BTW you ARE a nice lookin' guy! It does help with self esteem and the continued motivation to work on that weight. I'm still freakin' out about some of these photos!! DAY-AM!!
  21. sheeee-it!! You guys are freakin incredible. Question. Have you noticed the difference in the way people treat you? I know someone that dropped a lot of weight, and she says that alot of the people that never noticed her before and wouldn't give her the time of day, are now just so "pleasant" to be around. It really makes one sit back and realize what a stereo-typical prejudiced society we are in. Sorry to get on a soap box, but - some people are just aXXholes. The movie "Shallow Hal" was a wonderful tribute to admiring a person for their inward beauty. ......I can really ramble on this one...sorry...GOOD JOB GUYS...YOU LOOK MAAA-VA-LOUS!!