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Everything posted by URasoldasUact

  1. LOL. When I went through AFF there a few years ago, on my first jump the jumpmasters got another student and me mixed up, and were providing directions to the wrong respective students. If I had followed the radio directions, I would have ended up materially off the drop zone. Good thing I was thinking for myself that day What would Elvis do with a total malfunction?
  2. and if you think they're going to catch me and make me give 'em back, you're sadly mistaken. we don't need no stinkin' batteries. What would Elvis do with a total malfunction?
  3. I spent 2 hours in the tunnel a couple of years ago. Stretch a lot, take plenty of advil, and bring along knee, elbow/forearm pads and a good back brace, which will help you avoid getting all bruised up and will help support your back. Enjoy! What would Elvis do with a total malfunction?