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Everything posted by D2626

  1. D2626


    I purchased my rig used off Ebay 5 years ago. The harness was to small for me so I contacted Sun Path to ask what if anything could be done. Sent the rig to them with my measurements as if I was buying a new rig. Three weeks later I got the rig back with a new harness, all new hardware, new closing loop,updated mods.,and small repairs to this and that. The bill--$350 including a reserve repack and shipping. I have put another 500 jumps on this rig and its still going strong. Oh, I did have to replace the BOC pouch this year. What will my next rig be??? a nothing but a JAVELIN!!!
  2. go to a small airport and find a map called a "sectional" for your area then go to your jump pilot and ask him to show you how to use it. He'll be delighted to show you his skill. You can also use it figure out where to spot a cross-country jump. I keep the sectional in my gear bag.
  3. you don;t want to fall out with your seatbelt on. If that happens you have to cut the belt and that would be less padding for me on the next load.
  4. I love sitting by the open door, looking at the world, never a bit nervous even on takeoff without a seat belt (If I can get away with it).