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Everything posted by i1tojump

  1. Ask and ye shall recieve http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15750604/
  2. Anyone have any ideas on how many people are expected to be attending the invasion?
  3. I want to rent a car and don't feel like searching through piles of papers to find the discount # that came with my renewal. Anyone have it handy?
  4. Kim, if you are who I think you are.... I did my coach jumps with you a few years ago at X-keys while I was getting my license. One of your comments on my logs from you is " a little stiff, Relax" It's a lesson I took on in more then just skydiving.... If it's you Kim... Thanks. Great advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  5. Okay, I'm in. Will be there from the 1st to the 8th. How are the camping facilities there?
  6. Well, if your employer offers health insurance for spouses, I might be interested.
  7. If I was meant to be Rich, my parents wouldn't have named me Bill
  8. Thats the standard watermark that gets put on all pictures uploaded to ebay.
  9. Yes, my overall average is about 100 per year, but thats due to a slow start in the beginning due to weather holds and all when I was a new jumper and not jumping since July of 2005 until present. During the time in between I stayed very consistant, was personally coached in canopy control by Heath Richardson. I was cleared to jump my Stiletto by the instructors at my DZ by around jump #200. I can completely understand where you are coming from, but while #'s do mean a lot in many ways, so does ability, training, good decision making skills and experiences that those #'s brought.
  10. Thanks for the input. I say 20-30 jumps a month based on a yearly average. My jumping is not limited to just the North East as I am able to travel regularly to warmer climates during our colder seasons.
  11. It's cold here in NJ and I have been bored out of my mind lately. So, I was thinking that since I have an abundance of free time I might head out to Florida for a week or so to get away from the boredom here. I am pondering going from the 11th to the 18th of this month and flying into Orlando and renting a car for the week. My only firm plans are to get a little tunnel time and do a few jumps. Most importantly I want to have fun. Anyone that wants to show the pale faced guy from the North East fun times in sunny Florida speak up or at least offer suggestions on where and what to do between those dates would be much appreciated
  12. Figured that people would click the link anyway and the title is not as important as the guidance I am seeking
  13. I wont be jumping the Sabre 150 that I already have, because 1. I don't like the hard openings it sometimes would give and 2 it could use a new line set because the lines have shrunk over time and is a bit out of trim and can't get full flight out of it. IMO it's not worth spending the money for the short time that I would actually use it just to wind back up in the closet not to be used again.
  14. Since I really only lurk and sometimes post here in the Bonfire forum, I figured I would try posting this here first. If the Mods feel it should go into the General forum then feel free to move it there. OKay, here is my situation. I have not been jumping recently because of everything that was going on in my life. My last jump was in July of 2005. I haven't jumped since then because I was having bad luck in pretty much every aspect of my life and to be completely honest, I didn't want to take any chances jumping with the string of bad luck that I was having. Now, getting to the point of this post. I have decided recently to get back into the sport. When I was jumping regularly (20-30 jumps per month on average) I was piloting a Stiletto 150 loaded at 1.4. I consider myself as fairly conservative under canopy and haven't really gotten into the whole Hi-Perf landing thing and just enjoy the flight characteristics of the elliptical canopy. So getting to the point, I no longer have that canopy because of a very hard opening I had back in June of 2005 which cause severe damage to my main. I went back to jumping my old main which is a Sabre (1) 150. I jumped that canopy until July of 2005 when I took this break from jumping. Since I have decided to get back into jumping again, I sent the Stiletto back to PD for a estimate on what repairing it would cost. Since it was still fairly new (about 300 jumps) I figured that as long as the repairs were not too great I would just have it fixed and keep it as my regular main. However, just got the estimate and it's almost $1,000 just to repair. Not worth it in my opinion. So, I am thinking about buying a new canopy instead. I liked my Stiletto and all, but I figured that if I have to get a new canopy, I might as well get something newer in design and that I would be happy with for a long time to come. That being said, I am asking for recommendations from the more experienced jumpers out there on what I should buy as my next long term canopy. It goes without saying that since I took a break for a long as I did, that I will be easing back into things by renting/demo canopies that are larger and more docile until I am up to speed again. I am thinking of going with PD's Katana 150 as my first choice once I am back up to speed. I guess what I am looking for is some guidance and words of wisdom from the more experienced folks on here. Blue Skies, Bill
  15. I thought of "Internet Gambling" way back when the internet was just becoming mainstream. I am talking back when the 14.4 modem was the fastest thing out. I told my Dad about the idea and he said I was crazy and it could never be done because of the laws and restrictions. He was a Cop and I let the idea go thinking he knew best. Oh well, life goes on. But, I sure could have stood being a rich son of a Bitch right now though.
  16. Sounds like a relationship I was once in. Your S/O can make you do some pretty stupid shit
  17. Being from NJ, I have only been to Titusville in Florida. I picked it because they have a free bunk house and seemed the logical choice cost wise for my trip. I have been there now 3 times and everytime has been fun. I met a lot of fun people there and you can't beat how quick their King Air is to altitude. It's so fast that I sometimes forgot to pull my goggles up from around my neck until after exiting. As I said, I have yet to make it to the other Dz's in Florida to give a educated guess which one is the best. But, during all my trips there, I have yet to be disappointed. Since it is kinda cold and slow here in NJ, I would be there right now if it were not for my Cypress being sent out for maintence and my regular canopy back at PD to be repaired. I should have all back by mid-December and I think that this years trip will include checking out Deland, Z-Hills and Sebastian also. I hope to meet a few of you Florida peeps while there.
  18. i1tojump

    This Cat Rules

    I don't know which is worse, people posting this stuff or me looking at it?
  19. Phantom Lord of Ultimate Darkness WTF?
  20. Thats what happens when you are doing a 90 MPH wheelie at night and a car pulls out in front of you. I had to slam it down to miss the car and wound up flipping the bike a few times shearing off the front forks in the process.
  21. Sport bikes are a lot of fun. Here is my bike or what's left of it.
  22. Try this site. It might help. http://yuqing.en.alibaba.com/offerdetail/53242126/Sell_Drinking_Ludo.html
  23. If you have health insurance get the bike. If not, get the car.