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Everything posted by flyinblind

  1. Thanks for all the great tips you guys. The first three pack jobs were by pros as having velcro down the middle of my deployment bag was really making it difficult. After having that sewn up, I'm going to be attempting it again after I jump it tomorrow. I did watch as they packed it and there was a level of control there I hadn't really focused on. I definitely need to be more vigilant when I am about to put it in the bag. Thanks again everyone! cheers and blue skies, timmah
  2. What's up? I'm kind of new around here and to skydiving. I have 26 jumps and just bought my own rig which as part was a Aerodyne Pilot 210. Anyway, I've been packing f-111 and smaller, older zero-p canopies and find this new Pilot especially hard to pack. Is there anything I can do to make it easier to manage? Should I soak it in linseed oil? That was a joke.. :) Thanks.. cheers and blue skies, timmah
  3. Hey guys and gals, I'm seriously eaten up by the skydiving bug and really want some footage to watch when I can't jump, like this coming weekend :(.. You guys got any suggestions? I want extreme type and less how to.. thanks. cheers and blue skies, timmah
  4. Well aren't you just the man? Have a cutaway yet? What age was that? Look, you could have 100,000 people who started skydiving before they were 16 or 18 and I would still say it's too dangerous to be a responsible idea. Seriously, I think you should have to have a minimal license to have a child. I mean you have to have one to drive a car for God's sake but you don't have to have one to bring a life that you're responsible for into the world? Well I guess that's why society has all the problems it does.. Anyway, that's not meant as a flame tot anyone on this board, seriously. Just a little venting.. peace, timmah cheers and blue skies, timmah
  5. I totally agree.. And to freakydiver, technically, no, this sport is not "complicated" as long as everything works as illustrated in the manufacturer's manual :). It's those instances where things don't go according to plan that would put even the most capable 13 year olds at risk of killing themselves. I'm sorry, no amount of convincing would change my mind, it is irresponsible to put someone out of a plane, on their own, before the kid is 18. As some other bright skydiver mentioned, it's a FAR or BSR for freak's sake. But then again, I guess we're skydivers because there's more than a little rebellion in most of us?? cheers and blue skies, timmah
  6. I don't know.. I can put up with a lot.. But anyone who lets a kid jump out of an airplane is just crazy in my book.. But hey, that's me.. I don't got kids and don't want any, so what do I know about it. cheers and blue skies, timmah
  7. Heh, thanks for the heads up about the repost. I figured it probably would be. Sue me for not doing a thorough search. I do sincerely apologize. I was lazy. I did not ever construe it as "news" though, so not guilty as charged. I just saw it and felt a post was in order as I found it pretty disturbing. cheers and blue skies, timmah
  8. Solo???? with little or no training??? cheers and blue skies, timmah
  9. Did anyone see the clip (today on RealTV on SpikeTV) about the 13 year old skydiver in Colombia that was killed when he jumped from 2000 feet and didn't pull? I presume it was his first jump. There weren't a lot of details. It was pretty disturbing and definitely senseless. His parents apparently later admitted 13 was too young to skydive. Well not to be mean, but DUH. Sheesh. cheers and blue skies, timmah
  10. Yeah! Thanks for the advice. I'm definitely going to explore several avenues. The more I got to thinking about it, I can probably get my hands on some low interest credit cards to use and do like you said, get the gear I want. cheers and blue skies, timmah cheers and blue skies, timmah
  11. Thanks for the help guys! I'll check in to it. I don't have fantastic credit, but I bet I can talk someone in to it.. LOL.. cheers, timmah cheers and blue skies, timmah
  12. Anyone know of a place that finances gear? I'd be willing to pay a fairly ridiculous interest probably. :) blue skies, timmah cheers and blue skies, timmah
  13. I'm pretty sure that's wrong. If you differentiate that with respect to x you get 0. So that's not right. Here's a good link about implicit differentiation, but you kind of need implicit integration to work backward. cheers and blue skies, timmah
  14. There's a sweet _FREE_ program out there called dbPowerAmp Music Converter at It'll rip songs from a CD piece of cake. I suggest checking it out. It's what I use religiously. blue skies, timmah cheers and blue skies, timmah
  15. I'm not sure I understand exactly what you've got or else I would help. The problem I see with what you proposed is that the product rule applies to differentiation with respect to one variable. So in the case of xy when you differentiate with respect to x you would get just y. And vice versa if you differentitate with respect to y you would get just x. But that in know way get's the two to be added together. However, if you had something like f(x) = 2x^2 + xy, then differentiating with respect to x would give you x + y. Like I said, I'm not terribly sure what you've got. And Calc 3 was two semesters ago so I'm a bit rusty. ymmv... cheers, timmah cheers and blue skies, timmah
  16. Well I'm a newbie to both forums and skydiving, but I say welcome all the same!! cheers, timmah cheers and blue skies, timmah
  17. Two amazing jumps today!! It felt great to be back in solo freefall. A standup landing and a not so good but not horrible second landing. Now I have two levels left and I'm back to the skies all alone.. blue skies, timmah cheers and blue skies, timmah
  18. Thanks for the well wishing guys. I'm very pumped to be back. I knew from the minute I first did a tandem that this sport was for me.. I just had to wait on the stars to line up a bit better.. :) j/k I'm jumping at Emerald Coast in Elberta, AL. Although I live in Pensacola, FL. See ya in the skies. timmah cheers and blue skies, timmah
  19. Just wanted to say hey. After getting through AFF a little over three years ago and logging just a total of 10 jumps, I sort of just quit jumping because I got a little banded up on a hard landing and couldn't really afford it. Well I'm back, and in AFF again! Jumping level 3 this weekend and I'm super pumped. SO wish me luck and blue skies. Hope I run into some of you guys sometime soon, but let's do it on the ground and not in the air! :) cheers, timmah cheers and blue skies, timmah