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  1. Ok, sent the heavies around and they persuaded someone to move on, and only 2 doors from Skydivechick! I'll pop in for a cuppa sometime GiZZeRR
  2. I can't get in, there are no free lots What now? If I'm bigger than someone else can I just kick them out their house and move in myself GiZZeRR
  3. Thanks for the mails and support everyone. I think I was always going to do it but just needed a little encouragement. I'm going to see the Doc on Monday to make sure he thinks I'm fit enough after my op 10 months ago and if he says ok then I'm booking for early June! This could be my best summer ever. I'm only an hour from the DZ at Strathallan so I can see myself getting home from work, not just weekends and jumping all summer. I know what you mean about life is too short to worry about what "might" happen and thats not me, I ride a fast sports motorcycle and believe that if your careful and always got your wits about you then you can't do much more. I enjoy my bike but I can see it might have serious competition
  4. Thanks for the replies. From what I've read, everyones a bit nervous so I'm sure going to give it a go. I did a bungee jump a few years ago and it was terrifing stepping off that platform at 160ft connected to an elastic band!! So I'm sure I can pluck up the courage to step out a perfectly good plane ;-) GiZZeRR
  5. Found this link No mention of the failed reserve here but this isn't the story I read. Would be interesting to hear from someone from the DZ. GiZZeRR
  6. Hi Folks, Just found the forums and thought I'd say hello "Hello". Well you can't get anymore of a newbie than me, I haven't made my first jump yet! I was going to do it last year but had to go into hospital for an op, but feeling fit again and itching to get up there, I think!! Give me some encouragement guys( and gals), Will be training at Strathallan in Scotland but there was an accident a month or so ago when a first timers chute failed and then his reserve!!!! He survived but if I'm truthful, it has had me a bit apprehensive. Don't tell my work mates though, I told them I wasn't worried :) Anyway, I've wanted to do this for over a year now and I'm on the point of booking the jump, hoping to continue through the summer, jumping most weekends. Any one jump at Strathallan and know what went wrong that day? I'm sure the instructors will explain though and put our minds at rest. GiZZeRR