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  1. To be technical, a "planed stack" is an oxymoron. A plane is where feet are at risers, a stack is where feet are at bottom skin. Planes are more stable because the canopy is supported by the lines of the canopy above, whereas on a stack the canopy can pivot around the feet. Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.
  2. TVPB

    Skydiving Sex

    One audible to go off at 6500, second at 5000, third at 3500. Audibles airgasm activated of course! Lets see how you perform now! Or will the audibles not go off and you go in?? Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.
  3. It's more a case of, you own the DZ, you can do whatever the hell you like there (within the rules of FAA / USPA / ETC). There are quite a few drop zones around that are either against CRW or not very cooperative with CRW jumpers. Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.
  4. Thanks for the post Koen. Just FYI - I am not saying anything against you. I am just highlighting the dangers of snag points. No one is immune to this. It is a good learning. Glad to see all turned out OK.
  5. OK - the student is inexperienced and the instructor should know better, BUT . . . . . . You can still think for yourself - and recognize hazards and do something about them. Give a student some responsibility and authority and they will blossom into something much better much sooner. Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.
  6. How about - 'the female BASE jumper that died was a very good friend of mine". Is that enough grip for you? Perhaps you should release a little grip. Allow the blood to flow to the other brain. Come withe me on a safety journey. Now some feedback about risk management and being open minded and willing to learn. You should try it. It may not give you eternal life, but it certainly increases the probability of longer duration. "If I can save ONE person, then it will all be worth it". "All trends start with only a single event or incident". "Not recognizing risk, or shrugging it off, is the first step towards a near miss, which is followed by an incident, which eventually leads to something a lot more serious if not managed early". "Teaching people to be careful and to recognize hazards is building a safety culture. It does not stop activity, rather it allows people to progress further, and to manage their risks at higher levels. The consequence or likelihood does not increase, but the fun does". "Having your head firmly planted up your bottom stinks'. It's no fun! p.s. snags and catches are becoming very common - everything from oxygen hoses on high altitude record attempts to bridle entanglements. You should try grounding your opinion on fact - and spend the rest of your time absorbing the fundamental message - snag points (regardless of what brand / style of camera you GoPro fan you) are not good. This is OLD news. Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.
  7. Focus dude. Call him a 250 jump wonder that has just started wearing camera. Call him skygod. Regardless of his talent and experience, he has a bridle snagged on his gear. The point about 50 jumps is that too many inexperienced are wearing these cameras and the skydiving community is allowing this to happen because the camera is "considered small". Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.
  8. Not sure who moderated that one - but someone else's bridle wrapped around the camera on your helmet rates as an incident to me (yes, I can see it's relevance in the photo group, but). The other factor is that most GoPro's are not really worn by "photographers" but rather, just participants on skydives. Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.
  9. It's only a matter of who and when and where? Please prove me wrong people's. I love being wrong when thinking of bad shit. Someone needs to come up with a snag free / reduced mount and we need to keep students off this gear. We learned in the old days about hooks on boots, cutaways on camera helmets, and minimising catch points. Now we have gone backwards again. "Oooohhh but it so small and cute and I love the photo's of myself"! It is a great camera. I have one. Just be careful out there. Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.
  10. Some more links: This will eventually be updated and put onto the following link: Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.
  11. Ha ha. Welcome to skydiving. You are heading down the road of so many others. As your interests, priorities, etc, change, so does your company. Your true friends will always remain, the acquaintances you will slowly lose touch with. In their place will be new friends and acquaintances that will share your dreams and passions. Negotiate the deal on your package - i.e. ask how much to pay for the whole AFF course up front. The other tip I can give you is this - do not let anyone, including friends and relatives, to rob you of YOUR dreams. If you really want this, go for it. If they drag along that is a wonderful bonus. IF they don't, you just have to prioritize your time better with them.
  12. Oh well, yet another dysfunctional CRW/CF team. Can I have the video of you guys sorting out your grievances in the air? Orygun - don't take shit from any of them. Just dock hard, don't dock straight, and give em hell!
  13. From one of the Organizers: - - - - - - - - - - Hello to all CReW People, Just a quick email to you all to gauge your interest in the running of the Next Australian CReW Record Attempt 50 way Diamond What Myself,Sarge and Higgo Are looking for as Organisers in running this event is your interest - so id like to hear from EVERYONE of you on this as to whether you're interested in participating and putting the time,effort and training thats need to make this 50 way happen ? Please email me back letting me no if your in or out we would be looking at running the record Oct/Nov 2011 at a Dz to be announced at a later date but it will be somewhere on the east coast. please forward this email to anyone you may know that would be interested in being a part of the attempt also please look at our web site that Tom Begic has set up - record attempt website - canopy formation website - under development The plan will be to have Chris Gay and one or two other coach's to come out to make the 50 way happen. We will need a pool of 60 people to make a 50 way happen if/when the 50 is reached then we would look at swapping people out and bringing in new people so that everyone get a chance to be a part of the record. We need 3 turbine aircraft to give us the lift capacity for a 50 way with 3 camera we would be looking at running crw seminar in the several months leading up to the attempt We have the people and the talent to make this happen all we need is for you to show your interest so we can start as Organisers to set the very large wheels in motion to make this 50 way Diamond happen. Mitch McMartin + 61 418 561 543 Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.