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Everything posted by loflyer

  1. Hey, I pick #4, those colors on a canopy look awesome in the sky... What kind of canopies are you looking at?
  2. Well good luck! Keep in touch & let us know how it is going... I totally understand the feeling of having alot of other jumpers around, I felt the same way.. But you will get use to it. Have a great time & stay safe. lori
  3. Congratulations on your first Jump! This sport is the most awesome thing you will ever do... Good luck on the rest of your AFF Training... Just remember to relax, arch & learn everything you can from your instructors. When are you going to do level 2? It only gets better from here. Blue Skies... lori
  4. Hey Johnny... Are you going to be out in Taft this weekend? We will be out on Saturday... As far as the "Frap Hat" goes, I would have to agree with the previous posts on the "Pro-Tec" advice. Keep the frap hat, but continue wearing the hard helmet unitl you get your landings down. I bought a Frap Hat right off student status, only for "Hair Protection", but after seeing a picture of myself in it, I quit wearing it.(Ha HA).. Anyway, stick with the pro-tec but hang onto the frap hat, you can never have enough gear...I would also suggest the pro-tec now that you are going to start doing 2-ways, 3-ways, etc.... It is good to have the noggin protected while trying to learn to turn points, (just in case you come around right into someones foot!) Hope to see you this weekend.. Lori
  5. OK, Have a good weekend! We might be coming back out in two weeks, give us a call the week before to remind us. See ya in a couple weeks!
  6. Hey Johnny, we will be in Taft this weekend on Saturday. Are you coming out this weekend? Hope to see ya... Blue Skies
  7. Freeflyin is the best! And yes, those guys from Arizona are awesome. I got the chance to jump with one of them a couple months ago, & it was so awesome. I have plans on going to Arizona & spending a week there & getting some freefly coach jumps in! Stay in touch & let us know how you are doing... Any plans on coming to states anytime soon? Take care & Blue Skies! lori
  8. Hey Johnny, I was wondering when I would see you on here. I got your message, but there was so much static, I coulndn't hear your phone #! Congradulations again on graduation & it was such a pleasure meeting your father as well. Everyone at Skydive Taft is so proud of you. YOU DID IT..... We will be out of the state for the next few weeks, but hope to see you before you start buckling down on the school books. Welcome to the forum, & hope to see you soon... Blue Skies!
  9. Welcome Pavel, This sport is the greatest. Blue skies & have fun!!!
  10. Welcome to the forum. The best advice has already been given in the previous posts. LISTEN TO YOUR INSTRUCTOR, & TRUST THE ARCH. And of course, have fun!!! Let us know how your first aff goes. Blue Skies
  11. Hi Sue... Welcome to the forum! You most definetly should go up with him in the plane for an observer ride, it is awesome & you can see how much fun this sport is. But as you stated, you will probably be targeted by skydivers to just "DO IT". It is the most awesome thing you will ever do & skydivers are just great people. Go for a ride, then make a tandem, & well the rest is up to you! Have fun & let us know if you go for that ride! Blue Skies
  12. When I sign on, it just sits there. I even tryed to change my password, that didn't work either. The computer just sits there, not responding. I tryed to sign on & then clicked on "forgot password", put in the information, & received a email back this am, with a temporary password, & that didn't work, the error message I got, said "inavlid".
  13. Same here! I tryed to even change my profile & set up a new password & it won't even let me do that...
  14. Thanks for the input, but I am aware of the teaching guidelines for coaches. The A/I who questioned me about this, was not the A/I who was teaching the "method specific" section of the first jump course, that I have been sitting in on, since I plan on trying to get my aff instructor rating this year, but he was a A/I who was just visiting the DZ for a fun jump. I totally trust the people & the DZ's I jump at, or I wouldn't be jumping there...
  15. Thanks Tom! You totally answered my question. I knew if I put this on a post, someone would be able to give me the answer! Like I said in my original post, I have asked this question to multiple instructors & always got the "alone is alone" or the 5 second rule answer. Thanks again... Blue Skies!
  16. Hello everybody! This past year I received my coach rating. (On my way to getting my Aff Instructor License) Anyway, I have been teaching the First Jump course at one of my local Dz's for the past year & I have come across a scenario that I have asked other A/I & S&TA's, and I seem to get different answers. When teaching the first jump course & when you are going over the Emergency Freefall procedures with the student, when you get to the part about if the student finds himself/herself alone in freefall, to arch & pull immediately. Well I had a AFF Instructor come up to me & asked me to "CLARIFY" alone? I was taught that if neither of the two instuctors had a grip on the student, that they were considered to be "alone". This instructor told me something about a 5 second rule. So now I am wondering what the actual guidelines state as "Being Alone". I have looked in my SIMS book, & it doesn't say anything about a 5 second rule. Can anyone shed a little light on this subject as to the correct answer to this question? Or where I might look to find the correct response to this question? I have had a couple of students ask me, "If i can see them out in front of me, am i still alone?" Thanks!
  17. Yeah, I agree with alot of the other replies, that doing a Tandem helps with the sensory overload of first time jumpers. I have also seen alot of "guys" do AFF, just for the reason mentioned in one of the replies about them being homo-phobic... But, making it "required", I don't agree with. Also, if the weight issue comes up, not that I see to many first time jumpers that are over the Tandem weight limit, but there has been a few & they were forced to do the Aff, & Just like someone else had mentioned, they never came back for Level 2. But anyway, that is my opinion. Everyone have a great weekend, stay safe, & BLue skies...